Innocent Murderer - Undercurrent 03

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After eating, Bai Chi went back and ordered two big portions to go to feed Zhao Zhen and Lisbon. Bai Yutang said that he was a little full and wanted to walk back with Zhan Zhao, so Bai Chi left his two brothers and drove off first.

Out of the hotel, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang slowly walked back side by side. The weather was still sultry, but there was a muffled thunder in the sky, and it seemed that it was about to rain.

As they were walking, Zhan Zhao's phone rang, and when he looked at it, Zhan Zhao frowned.

"Editor again, huh?" Bai Yutang laughed.

Zhan Zhao sighed and picked it up, "Hey..."

Bai Yutang heard that there was a woman on the other end of the phone, who seemed to be talking at a very fast speed. He knew that this was Qian Mingyue, Zhan Zhao's editor, who was very capable and very impatient. Zhan Zhao got a headache whenever he saw her.

The person on the other end of the phone spoke for a long time, but Zhan Zhao did not answer a word, but listened quietly. Finally, when the other end was finished, Zhan Zhao said, "I will not go, I said I will not participate in any commercial activities." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Bai Yutang turned and saw that Zhan Zhao's face was not good, and he laughed, "What? She hasn't given up on making you a star author yet?"

Zhan Zhao remained silent for a long time before suddenly saying, "Xiao Bai, I don't want to write the book anymore."

Bai Yutang was slightly surprised and smiled, "Don't you like to write books, why give up?"

Zhan Zhao sighed and said: "I wrote an academic book, but it's been hyped up as a novel. If you don't understand psychology properly and use it indiscriminately based on a shallow understanding alone, it's very dangerous!"

Bai Yutang nodded and laughed, "You can decide by yourself, I'm all for it."

Zhan Zhao was discouraged, "There is no principle, no constructiveness at all."

Bai Yutang was helpless, "I just want you to be happy, no matter what books you write or don't write."

Zhan Zhao stopped speaking, but most of the depression in his heart dissipated.

A cool breeze suddenly blew through the sultry air, there was a flash of lightning in the sky, a blast of thunder rang out, and the wind was strong.

"It's going to rain!" Bai Yutang pulled Zhan Zhao's hand and ran forward.

Bai Yutang pulled Zhan Zhao into his arms and held out his hand to shield him from the rain, and the two of them ran a few steps to hide on the porch in front of a building.

At the same time, the heavy rain poured down and the surrounding air instantly became refreshed and cool.

"That's good," Bai Yutang stretched out his hand to wipe the drops of water on Zhan Zhao's face, "it will definitely be cooler when we go back later."

After a few steps and a cool breeze, Zhan Zhao felt much better and was just about to speak when he saw Bai Yutang suddenly frown for no reason.

"What's the matter? Xiao Bai?" Zhan Zhao was puzzled.

Bai Yutang shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Zhan Zhao felt strange. At this moment, another person rushed over, rushed onto the porch and patted the water on his body. While smiling at the two of them, he said, "Wow, it's really pouring."

Zhan Zhao nodded to him, but Bai Yutang was silent, pulling Zhan Zhao to the other side and putting his hands in his pockets as he waited for the rain to stop.

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