Innocent Murderer - Purpose 10

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"Bring Pang Qing back!" Bai Yutang instructed the police officer on the side, "Detain him for 48 hours on the grounds that he is obstructing official duties. Don't let him run away!"

"Yes sir!" The officer went down in a hurry.

Bai Yutang turned his head and said, "There are two bodies, which means there are two victims!"

"Yes, the next thing to do is to determine the identity of the corpse and find out where Pang Xiaoqin's body went." Zhan Zhao shook his head, "Who kills so many people in one fell swoop? What is the purpose?"

Zhao Zhen was still a little confused. He put his arms around Xiao Bai Chi and fell asleep. Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang said that there was nothing left to consult with him about, so Bai Chi took him aside to rest.

"Where is the person who brought the cake out?" Bai Yutang asked the police officer on the side, "Bring him over."

"Yes sir!" The officer left for fifteen minutes, then ran back and said, "Bai Sir, we have found that person but he is a bit strange."

"Strange?" Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other and asked, "What do you mean by strange?"

"The manager told us that the person he sent to deliver the cake was Chen Li. We found him, and everyone else said that he delivered it, but Chen Li himself said that he had never delivered a cake!"

"This is interesting!" Bai Yutang was amused, and asked the police officer, "Did you bring him over?"

"Come over here!" The police officer called Chen Li at the door to come in.

Zhan Zhao's memory is very good, almost perfect. At just a glance he recognized that the person in front of him was the waiter who had brought in the cake just now.

"Your name is Chen Li?" Bai Yutang asked, "Were you the one who brought in the cake just now?"

Chen Li blinked, touched his head in confusion, and replied, "What cake?"

Bai Yutang smiled, "Many people saw you just now, so it's useless for you to deny it!"

Chen Li was even more anxious, shook his head and asked, "What cake? I have never seen the cake before!"

Zhan Zhao stopped Bai Yutang who was a little annoyed, looked closer at Chen Li's eyes, turned around and said to Bai Yutang, "He is not in the right state of mind!"

"What do you mean?" Bai Yutang was puzzled.

Zhan Zhao called over the police officer next to him and gave a few instructions. The police officer nodded and left. Zhan Zhao turned around and continued to ask Chen Li, "Then, what were you doing about half an hour ago?"

Chen Li thought for a while, and said, "I was delivering food."

"What food?" Zhan Zhao asked, "Where did you deliver it?"

"I brought it to the guest room on the top floor." Chen Li replied, "It was a steak and a bottle of red wine."

Bai Yutang looked at Zhan Zhao, "There is only one guest room on the top floor."

"Who received it?" Zhan Zhao then asked.

"I don't know. No one answered so I put the things down and left." Chen Li replied, "They were probably in the shower."

At this moment, the police officer came back with a cake in his hand and said to Zhan Zhao, "Dr. Zhan, is this all right?"

Zhan Zhao looked at it and nodded, "It's okay!" After speaking, he took it, holding the cake to Chen Li, and asked, "What is this?"

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