Innocent Murderer - Provocation 12

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"Some things are really strange." Gongsun said with a frown, rushing to the autopsy.

"Why is it strange?" Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang leaned in puzzledly.

"Look here." As he said it, Gongsun pointed to the zipper on the back of Pang Xiaoqin's evening dress.

"What is it?" Bai Yutang stared at the zipper, and saw a small piece of pink material in the delicate black zipper that was still shining with crystal light.

"It's nail polish." Gongsun raised the hand of the deceased and showed it to Bai Yutang. He saw that Pang Xiaoqin's fingernails were painted with the same pink nail polish that was on the zipper. On the middle finger of her right hand, there was clearly one piece that was chipped off; it should be the one stuck in the zipper.

"What does this mean?" Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other.

Gongsun shook his head helplessly, and beckoned to a female colleague from the forensic science department, "Look at it. Is there anything strange about it?"

"There is!" The female colleague touched her chin and nodded. She said, "This kind of nail polish takes a long time to dry; It takes at least 15 minutes... Pang Xiaoqin would have put on the evening dress before the nail polish dried. "

The group of men on the scene nodded together and humbly thought that the analysis made a lot of sense.

"But... this dress of hers is looks very expensive at first glance. Most people would wear the clothes before applying nail polish." The female forensic officer said seriously, "You would think that if your nail polish is not dry then it would be smart not to scratch your nails on something and stain your clothes."

"Of course. When a woman is dressing up, she either puts her clothes on first and then polishes her nails, or waits for her nails to dry before putting on her clothes."

"In other words, Pang Xiaoqin originally wanted to wait for the nail polish to dry before putting it on, but something happened and she had to put on a dress in a hurry." Bai Yutang nodded, "It's really strange, attending a grand banquet like Pang Xiaoqin, how can you allow a piece of nails to be chipped on it?"

"It's very strange." Zhan Zhao looked around, "There is no trace of struggle or fighting at all on this scene..." Having said this, Zhan Zhao frowned suddenly, as if thinking of something.

"What's wrong Cat?" Bai Yutang noticed that there was something wrong with Zhan Zhao, and asked, "What did you find?"

"I'm going to watch the surveillance video again!" After Zhan Zhao finished speaking, he ran back to the surveillance room, put on the video tape, and repeatedly watched the murderer himself inserting the key card to enter the room.

"Look here!" Zhan Zhao pointed at the doorknob in the picture, "Look!"

Bai Yutang leaned close and stared at the doorknob, and suddenly took a breath, "Before his hand touched the doorknob, the doorknob moved!"

"And look!" Zhan Zhao pointed at the face of the man in black and said, "Although it is hidden by the mask, it can still be seen that he nodded slightly."

"An Lingli knew he would come!" Bai Yutang frowned, "From what Pang Xiaoqin did later, she also knows the murderer, and their relationship is very good!"

"Oh, what is their relationship?!" Zhao Hu scratched his head, "This is too messy!"

"That's right." Wang Chao nodded, "There must be a reason for murder. Mutilating the bodies like this, the killer must hate her father's guts. Anyways, now we have everything except for the motive."

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