Innocent Murderer - Inextricably Linked 04

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Bai Chi rushed home before the heavy rain fell, opened the door, and saw Zhao Zhen and Lisbon lying on the sofa in the living room, dying of hunger.

"Chi Chi~~" Zhao Zhen rushed over and hugged Bai Chi, "I'm so hungry."

Lisbon also smelled the scent and leaned forward, rubbing Bai Chi's leg like a cat.

Bai Chi sighed, then put Lisbon's portion on the ground and let him eat first. Seeing Lisbon eating happily, Bai Chi sighed again and touched its hair, "If you are hungry next time, just eat Zhao Zhen. Right..."

"You're so cruel." Zhao Zhen fiddled with the fried dumplings and fried rice in the lunch box with a pair of chopsticks, and said listlessly, "Chi Chi, I haven't eaten good food for a long time. Don't you always send me a lunch box? I want to eat your food."

"No way." Bai Chi poured a glass of water and sat down. "There has been a big case recently."

"Is there another case?" Zhao Zhen stuffed a dumpling into his mouth to chew. "Why is this city so abnormal? What kind of case is this time?"

"Well... this case is quite perverted." Bai Chi leaned on the table as he watched Zhao Zhen eat. He thought to himself that this man is really rich in temperament, and he is so elegant even when devouring a fried dumpling. After thinking about it, he asked, "Have you not performed yet?"

"En..." Zhao Zhen picked up a fried dumpling and stuffed it into Bai Chi's mouth. "There will be one in two days."

"Are you going abroad?" Bai Chi asked.

"No, just in this city, Tianyu Entertainment City is holding a magic week. I will do the finale performance and be a judge for their magic competition."

"Tianyu Entertainment City..." Bai Chi asked, touching his chin, "You seem to rarely attend such events, and you are a judge."

"That is right." Zhao Zhen gulped and nodded, "Aren't I an international superstar? The appearance fee is very expensive, so few event parties can afford it."

"Is Tianyu's price very good?" Bai Chi asked.

"En." Zhao Zhen nodded, "It scared the economic man, so I had to sell myself to make a living." (Angel: I'm not 100% sure what the author means by economic man. The author uses 把经济人都 which directly translates to economic man. It could mean the person in charge of the finances at Tianyu Entertainment City, that's my best guess)

"Ahem..." Bai Chi choked on the water and glared at Zhao Zhen, "All nonsense."

"It's not nonsense." Zhao Zhen laughed, "The boss of Tianyu is a woman, and her saliva almost came out when she looked at me."

"Really...really?" Bai Chi was a little nervous, "Then you will still go?!"

Seeing Bai Chi's vigilant face, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but smile, and deliberately said, "It's not bad, she is a very beautiful woman, she goes sexy, she has a good figure, and she has money."

Bai Chi was silent for a while, stretched out his hand and grabbed the fried rice that Zhao Zhen hadn't touched, "I won't let you eat it!" After finishing speaking, he walked over and poured the fried rice to Lisbon, then turned to take a shower.

With his chopsticks in his mouth, Zhao Zhen watched Lisbon eating deliciously, and sighed for a long time... Alas, this damn child, even if you don't let me eat good food, now you won't even let me eat rice. I'm afraid that there are no other international superstars that struggle like me ~~

Bai Chi came out after taking a shower, wiping his hair, and saw Zhao Zhen lying on the table looking at the magazine. His face was a little pale, while Lisbon at his feet was eating so hard that he was burping and licking his paws to wash his face...Bai Chi felt soft and fierce. I found out that Zhao Zhen seems to have lost a lot of weight recently.

S.C.I.谜案集第二集 S.C.I Book 2 aka Season 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt