Innocent Murderer - Murder Weapon 20

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"A murder weapon?" Both Bai Yutang and Luo Tian couldn't understand Zhan Zhao's conclusion.

"Cat." Bai Yutang asked, "What murder weapon?"

Zhan Zhao gently lifted his injured leg, put it on the other leg, beat it lightly, and said, "In this case, I have always been puzzled about one thing."


"Do you still remember that I wanted to give up writing books several times." Zhan Zhao asked.

"En." Bai Yutang nodded, "That time when Qian Mingyue asked someone to take a picture of you, and later when the book was misused by the TV station. Of course, there were also times when you were lazy and didn't want to write."

"You..." Zhan Zhao glared at Bai Yutang, and then said seriously, "The reason I don't want to write anymore is because someone is doing evil things with what they learned from my book!"

"Well, what is it then?" Bai Yutang asked.

"Have you both read my book?" Zhan Zhao asked Bai Yutang and Luo Tian.

"En." Both of them nodded.

Zhan Zhao asked Luo Tian again, "How do you feel after reading it?"

Luo Tian didn't understand why Zhan Zhao suddenly changed the subject. After thinking about it for a while, he replied, "Well, to be honest, I didn't understand too much. I could understand the meaning and plot; it felt like I was reading a mystery novel. The writing style is very good."

After listening, Zhan Zhao nodded and asked, "After reading it, do you think that psychology is amazing?"

Luo Tian nodded, "En, it's great for solving crimes."

"Then... After reading it, have you ever thought of using the psychological methods mentioned in it to commit crimes?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"Huh?" Luo Tian tilted his head and thought for a long time, then shook his head, "Thinking about it now, there is actually no special psychological method in it. Moreover, it is mainly about solving crimes, not committing crimes..."

"This is the point." Zhan Zhao interrupted Luo Tian and sneered. "It doesn't matter whether you are an expert or a layman, it is impossible to learn any technical things from my book, let alone wanting to commit a crime after reading the book!"

"What you mean is... Although the pervert said that he is a fan of your book, he can't actually learn anything from your book." Bai Yutang frowned, "That does make sense, but what does it mean? They learned it from somewhere else. But where? A school or a book?"

"Have you read all my books?" Zhan Zhao asked Bai Yutang.

"I have." Bai Yutang nodded.

"What have you learned?" Zhan Zhao asked with a smile.

"What did I learn?" Bai Yutang asked, "If you look at all of the characters, they are all in Chinese. But if you put them together, they form words and sentences that don't sound like Chinese. Ah, I see!"

Zhan Zhao saw that Bai Yutang understood and he smiled slightly. Luo Tian was confused behind him, and asked, "What does he understand? Why don't I understand?"

Bai Yutang said, "To put it bluntly, psychology is not a course that can be taught by yourself. The layman can't even understand the tutorial, but all the perverts so far have known that you are the best in psychology, which means that they are all experts!"

"Exactly." Zhan Zhao nodded, "They are very special. They only know how to use psychology to kill people and they are all very interested in using psychology to kill people!"

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