When you got to the living room, you realized that you had forgotten your book for the night and fidgeted a little bit. You started rubbing at the back of your neck, trying to get the kink out. You had been nervous about how supper would turn out, and if the team would like it. You knew they would when your mama was there helping you, but you weren't as confident on your own. You were glad they all seemed to like it. You felt a hand replace yours, and you looked up in surprise to see Clint standing there with a grin.
"How is my favorite protégé?" he grinned at you.
"Much better" you moved your head forward while he got the rest of the knot out and the rest of the boys started coming in. You heard Bucky come in and looked up just as Clint finished and he moved to sit on the other end of the couch from you. He was holding two books from your room and you blushed. "Even better now" you smirked at Bucky.
"I knew you forgot your book, and they are pretty good so I borrowed another one" he grinned and sat between you and Clint. You looked at the two choices and picked one of the books. Bucky immediately reached down and grabbed you by the calves of your legs and moved you easily so your legs were across him and Clint. You moved your position on the couch and leaned back on the arm of the couch and smiled at him softly. Clint was back on his phone playing his game, when Scott came in the room. You saw Wanda come in with two cups of tea, and put one in front of you on the coffee table.
"Thank you Wanda" you smiled gently.
"We will have to have a girl talk when we take out our pups" she smirked at you.
"I'm looking forward to it" you giggled, knowing you had a few questions for her. You wanted to know if there was anything more that you could do to make Bucky happy. You were enjoying what you two had been doing, and flushed softly to yourself thinking of how you could hear him masturbating in his shower shortly after you had just finished doing the same thing in the bath. You silently wondered if he had heard you too. She went over and curled up with Vision on the other couch beside Scott while Vision was holding her pup. Scott turned on the TV once he saw that Sam and Steve were already comfortable in their spots, and you put your book down to watch the documentary with interest. You had always enjoyed learning more about nature, and outer space. It was sweet of Scott to do something like this, where he looked it up ahead of time for you. You reached and sipped at your tea while watching. You saw everyone was watching the show with the same interest as you.
Blue asked for his papa and you handed him silently to Bucky who gave you a smile.
"He ask for me again?" he whispered to you and you gave a small nod. He let Blue snuggle up around his neck, and after a few minutes he let out a small bark. You grabbed the napkins Bucky had brought in, and handed him a bottle at the same time. He immediately started feeding Blue, and you leaned into him more while you wiped Blue's face, giving that your full focus. You listened to the documentary and kept your mind open as much as you dared. You heard a small female voice you hadn't heard before say "mommy" and looked at Wanda in surprise.
"Wanda..." you gasped.
"What?" she looked at you expectantly along with Vision.
"She's about to howl" you gave a small smile. You heard "mommy" again, while Vision and Wanda looked at their pup with expectation on their faces. You saw her move slightly and tip her head up and let out the sweetest little howl. "She said "mommy"" you informed her quickly.
"I hoped for that outcome" Vision smiled while Wanda started kissing her pup excitedly and you saw a few happy tears come down her face.
"Zora, it means Dawn in Hungarian" Wanda smiled at you. The pack all started howling in response, as did Blue.
"I'll go get our Zora her bottles" Vision stood up and went into the kitchen.
"Welcome to the pack Zora" Clint looked over with a smile.
"That's all four pups now" Scott grinned. "I love the name"
"I just love her" Wanda cooed to Zora. Vision came in a few minutes later while Zora tried howling again, and the pack all did a response howl. "I wish I could hear her"
"Maybe tomorrow Tony will let me" you gave a small smile. Wanda started feeding Zora who took instantly to the bottle. While she was feeding Zora, Bucky finished with Blue. You were proud of the fact that there was no milk on his shirt, considering that you had gotten distracted. Bucky leaned over and kissed you on the forehead and gave you a smile. You got up and brought the bottles into the kitchen for the dishwasher and threw away the soiled napkins before coming back. Wanda was just finishing up, and you opened the door and the pack all ran outside immediately. Bucky handed you Blue and you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek while Wanda came over. The pair of you went down the stairs to the grass and sat down.

"Before you ask, yes he heard you" Wanda said after a long pause once you sat down. "He enjoyed it" she blushed a bit. "He doesn't know you heard him too"
"How else can I show him I'm interested?" you looked to her honestly.
"You already show it in so many ways" Wanda giggled. "He's trying to be a gentleman, but he wants more from the relationship"
"So do I" you flopped back on the grass.
"Did she really say mommy?" she looked to you hopefully. You gave a smile and nodded.
"She said it a few times before she howled. She has the sweetest little voice" you grinned.
"I'm so proud of my little Zora" she sighed happily. "I really hope Tony will be okay to let me hear her"
"Tony came and got me for Edwin, I see no difference" you smiled at her. "I'm not working if its just listening" you shrugged.
"You seem a lot happier now that your back" Wanda whispered after a few minutes.
"I got to kick the crap out of Shawn, and I shot him" you smirked at her. "Call it closure" you added, and she giggled.
"I wish I could have been there to see it" she sighed. "I can see it in your mind, but its not as satisfying" she decided.
"The look on his face though, he was honestly scared of me" you grinned. "After a year of what he put me through, I finally scared him" you felt Blue get back up on you and wiggle onto your stomach.
"You shouldn't worry so much about what's going on between you and Bucky. You are both anxious, but your feelings are real. You also shouldn't worry about your cooking, its delicious" Wanda looked to you as she laid in the grass beside you with Zora on her chest.
"I don't cook that often anymore" you admitted gently.
"You have a few days before Sunny gets here" she reminded you. "But I know you had a few ideas of things you wanted to do, and Bucky wanted to sneak you out for dinner tomorrow since he's not on a mission"
"He did mention dinner one night" you smiled. "He didn't bring it up yet"
"He will, he's waiting for his goodnight kiss" she giggled. "He likes those"
"I like them too" you sighed happily. "They have been getting steamier" you flushed a bit.
"Is the pack going for a run tonight?" Wanda looked at you curiously.
"We want to, but we have to work tomorrow" Melody spoke up, seeming a little sad. "We will wait for the day we don't have to work the next day"
"Friday" you answered Wanda. "They want to, but they have training tomorrow and know they can't miss out on it"
"They did just have almost a week off" she smiled at you easily.
"You should have seen how much fun they were having at uncle Brads. They chased all the animals in the forest they could find" you giggled. "The deer, chipmunks, and squirrels were all sassing them so much once they realized they weren't being hunted"
"That's a good thing though, they needed time to bond with you more too" she reminded you.
"We all missed Blue so much, and the team" you admitted softly. "I was a little hurt when everyone kept telling me to take my time coming home. It made sense after, but at the time, I had been looking forward to coming home to see the team again"
"We were trying to protect you" Wanda gave a soft smile.
"I see that now" you acknowledged. "I'm just glad that's all over with"
"Bucky's about to come looking for you again, they want to finish watching the documentary" Wanda warned you. You smiled gently and nodded sitting up.
"Can we stay outside for a little longer, do a small run?" Jasper asked gently.
"Of course, I'll call you in for bedtime" you nodded and the four of them yipped and ran towards the woods letting out loud howls.
"Doll" Bucky came to the top of the stairs.
"We are just on our way up" you smiled to him and he grinned at you as you let Wanda go up first. You stopped to give him a kiss on the cheek before walking by, and heading back into the living room.  

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