Chapter 92 - The End

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It's dark in the room, but the flashes of light light it up well. A jet of red light at the far end of the circular room showed people were still alive, still fighting.

Harry is still alive. There's something worth fighting for. Hermione and Ron are still alive. There's something worth fighting for. Sirius is by my side, fighting with me. There's still something worth fighting for.

A strange veil in the center of the room whispers and calls out to me, coaxing me to come closer. I'm tempted to go, but I know I won't walk out the other side.

If I did, the flashes would be gone. The dark room would vanish. I could see Lily and James and Marlene and Mary and Dorcas and Regulus and all the lives lost fighting along the way. But there's something worth fighting for.

Until there wasn't anymore.

"Nice one, James!"

I turn my head. I wish I hadn't. Pure joy on Sirius's face. Pure joy on Harry's. Sirius didn't notice his mistake. Harry did. I could tell he didn't mind.

And then it was like everything moved in slow motion. Bellatrix took her chance, using Sirius's distraction and aimed her wand.

A jet of red light. The stupefying spell.

He didn't need to die.

The stupefying spell. He would have fallen back, frozen but completely safe.

He didn't need to die. But he did.

The stupefying spell. Even Bellatrix knew he didn't need to die.

Not even the insane Death Eater herself wanted Sirius Black dead.

He didn't need to die.

My heartbeat echoed in my ears. Nothing else mattered. At that moment, it was only Sirius and I in the dark room.

We had so much time. There was never going to be enough.

I waited twelve years. I knew he was innocent. I told Dumbledore he was. I told everyone. They wouldn't listen. I waited. And now it's gone.

We could have been everything. We could have had so much more time.

With each flash of light around me I see flashes of us. Seeing him for the first time on the Hogwarts Express. Kissing him in the hospital wing, the faint taste of shampoo in my mouth. Every secret glance in his direction. Every laugh we shared. The full moons. The way he tried not to cough when he smoked, in order to impress me. Watching the sunrise on the roof outside the dorm.. All the smirks and smiles and passing notes during class. His high class accent, rolling out of his lips so perfectly. Late night talks behind the curtains. The way he said my name. Saying we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. It was all gone.

As he fell backwards, I saw his younger self. It was probably a hallucination in the madness but it was almost calming. He is perfect. He was perfect.

I tell myself not to run after him, not to launch myself into the mysterious veil and be with him. Be with James. Be with Lily. Be with Marlene. And Mary. And Dorcas. And Regulus.

But there was still someone worth fighting for. If Harry hadn't been there, I would have done it. I will stay for Harry.

Time is frozen. But it is moving too fast. A million thoughts race through my head. A long, drawn out scream that belongs to a familiar voice shocked me, making me glance towards the shriek.

Harry. Harry Potter, James and Lily's son, who looked so much like James it was sometimes painful to look at him. Sirius was the closest he had to a father. And Sirius still has a grin on his face.

"Nice one, James!" Sirius had shouted gleefully as Harry shot a spell.

Sirius died happy. He died remembering his best friend.

He died locking eyes with me.

We somehow found each other in the chaos. Found each other in the dim lit room. We always found our way back to each other.

And his smile sparkles. His dark hair flies behind him. His perfectly shaped eyebrows cocked still in his usual mischievous way. And his eyes.

Those ocean eyes. How they gleamed in the flashes of light around him. How they could look deeper than the ocean. How they could reflect like the pools of Mercury themselves. How they could be playful like a babbling brook. How they could be like undertow, pulling you in and never letting you out.

Those ocean eyes.

Those goddamn ocean eyes.

*Final A/N: And with that I say goodbye. Maybe we will meet someday, maybe in another lifetime. I will forever cherish the memories, the laughs, the little sweet comments you all left behind, and all of the lessons you have all taught me. You have left a mark on my life and a part of my heart will always belong to you. Sadly I will have to let you go, and I will say one last time: Thank you so much for reading. I love you all so much. These ocean eyes will not forget you. I hope to write lots and lots more so make sure to keep an eye out for new stories :)*

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