Chapter 24

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Remus, Peter, Mary, and Marlene joined in this time, while Lily tried to get them to shut up.

"THAT'S A RAVENCLAW, YOU TWAT!" Marlene shouted, pushing Lily away from her as Lily tried to cover her mouth.

"A HUFFLEPUFF IF IVE EVER SEEN ONE!" Mary yelled out, kicking Lily away from her.

"YOU'RE ALL WRONG, HE'S A BLOODY SLYTHERIN!" Remus called, ducking Lily's attempted punch.

"Even you, Remus?!" Lily yelled.

The new Gryffindor boy glared at the lot of them as he sat down at the table.

"I'm so sorry." Lily said to the boy, shaking her head, exasperated.

"Ravenclaw!" The Sorting Hat sorted a small child by the name of Riley Wilson.

"THAT COMPLETE BLITHERING IDIOT, WHO PUT THE HAT IN CHARGE? THEY'RE A HUFFLEPUFF!" Sirius screamed, dancing out of Lily's reach, his dark hair falling into his eyes. Those ocean eyes.

"HUFFLEPUFF?" James shrieked. "YOU'RE TELLING ME THEY'RE NOT A GRYFFINDOR?" Lily caught James by surprise, and she got a good blow to his arm.

"THEY'RE QUITE OBVIOUSLY A SLYTHERIN!" Peter called out, joining in on the fun as Lily gave up, and sat back in her seat, pouting.

McGonagall took out her wand and silenced the group, frowning, although Sirius, James, and Marlene were still making rude gestures when the hat 'got it all wrong'.

"Someday you'll join us, Lils." Mary laughed as they headed up to Gryffindor Tower.

"It's quite fun until McGonagall ruins it." Marlene said brightly.

"I don't want to get detention for the rest of my life. And I would like to be a perfect, then Head Girl, so don't ruin it for me." Lily rolled her green eyes, smiling lightly.

"Honestly, Evans, you should loosen up a bit." James grinned, appearing at Lily's side.

"I'll loosen up once all of you start not acting like children." Lily glared at James.

"Remus smokes and I drink, how are we children?" Sirius said, offended.

"You SMOKE?!" Lily rounded on Remus, looking furious. They stepped into the common room. "You're supposed to be the innocent one, Lupin!"

"Sirius drinks! That's worse!" Remus grinned slyly. "And I am the innocent one!"

Lily rolled her eyes and walked away, her red hair swishing behind her. Mary gave him an apologetic smile, and grabbed Marlene's arm, pulling her towards Lily.

"She almost does as much eye rolling as you, Re." Peter said, smirking.

"Shut it, Pete."

"So you're the innocent one, Moony ol' pal?" James grinned. "You're the one that comes up with half of our pranks, not to mention your map!"

"All of our map. It's the Marauder's Map." Remus smiled innocently.

"That has a nice ring to it!" Sirius ran up the stairs to the dormitory, and flopped down on Remus's bed.

"Oi! Get off!" Remus stormed up after him. "Your bed's made, get on yours!"

"Yeah, but yours is more comfortable." Sirius settled onto his pillow.

Remus sighed, staring at the now snoring Sirius. His dark hair lay around him in a circular shape around his head, complementing his tan skin and dark eyelashes. His lips were pink and shiny, as though they had been chapped but he had licked them.

Remus must have looked helpless when James and Peter finally made their way to the dorm, because James said:

"Oi, Moony, just shove him onto the floor." James started undressing, changing into his pajamas.

Remus shrugged and pushed Sirius onto the carpeted floor of the dormitory. His body hit the floor with a thunk. Peter covered Sirius with a slightly sheer curtain looking thing.

"Why do you have a veil, Peter? Getting married soon?" James teased.

"My mum thought it was a blanket and shoved it into my case. Don't have a use for it." Peter shrugged.

Something about Sirius lying underneath the veil like that, looking helpless, made Remus feel scared. He had the sudden urge to take the veil off of Sirius.

He kicked Sirius's foot instead.

"He can sleep through anything." Remus said, rolling his eyes and climbing into the covers.


Remus woke up to Sirius screaming. He didn't think anything of it, because by now all of Gryffindor tower knew Sirius as being a drama queen.


Remus rolled his eyes and pulled open his curtains. Sirius was standing on his pillows, backing away from a tiny spider on his blanket.

"It's probably more scared of you than you are of it, Sirius." Remus answered flatly.


"No. It's just a house spider." Peter said, rolling his watery eyes.

"Engorgio." James whispered, pointing his wand at the spider and smirking.

"JAMES I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU." Sirius screamed hysterically, not taking his eyes off the now five foot wide arachnid.

"If you can ever get past the spider!" James cackled, grabbing his new broomstick from beside his bed and speeding out the dormitory door.

Peter chuckled and continued putting on his Gryffindor socks.

"Reducio." Remus sighed and scooped up the spider. "You're a wizard, Sirius, honestly, you didn't think to use your wand?"

Remus went to step on the spider.

"Well don't kill it!" Sirius said worriedly.

"Well what should I do with it? Put it back on your bed?!" Remus's nerves were fired up because of the full moon coming soon, and he was not in the mood for Sirius Black's antics.

"Drop it out the window, I don't care!"

Remus rolled his eyes again and dropped the spider out the window.

"There, now instead of the spider being killed suddenly, it will fall from twenty stories up and hit the ground." Remus said sarcastically, glaring at Sirius.

"Moody Moony makes another appearance." Sirius grinned. "Full moon's right after James' quidditch match tomorrow! The captain said he could be on the team if he got a new broomstick, so he did, and now-"

"Sirius. I don't care." Remus said, pulling on his Gryffindor robes and walking out the door.

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