Chapter 65

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"Sirius!" Remus had run headfirst into the attractive boy, looking down at the ground and his mind elsewhere.

Actually, his mind was on the person in front of him.

"Sorry, Moony! I forgot my Herbology essay in the hospital wing." Sirius said swiftly, grinning.

Remus nodded, feeling like he was about to collapse with anxiety.

"Why aren't you there? You should still be resting! You still look quite pale." Sirius raised an eyebrow disapprovingly.

"I realized I had to do something." Remus replied breathlessly, gazing down into Sirius's bright eyes.

"Do what? Minnie loves you so much, she'd let you turn in work a year late." Sirius chuckled, and broke into a walk along with Remus, heading back to the hospital wing to grab his essay.

"It's not exactly school related." Remus rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, a nervous fluttering in his chest.

"Oh." Sirius looked at him oddly, as though thinking hard, then shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

"Sirius, we need to talk."

"Oh god. This isn't me stealing your chocolate, right? Because I can stop if you want me to." Sirius said, slightly joking and slightly scared.

Remus laughed, grateful for Sirius relieving the tension he was feeling.

"No. Although we definitely need to talk about that too."

"Okay, good." Sirius grinned broadly.

"Sirius, I'm- um- not really sure how to say this. But you said you loved me."

"I do." Sirius said simply, blinking as if Remus was the stupid one.

"So- er- I love you too."

"I know. You told me." Sirius said, cocking his head to the side and meeting Remus's eyes. Remus almost forgot what he was saying for a moment. God, those ocean eyes.

"But- ugh, how do I say this? I love you- not platonically. I-I think I'm queer." Remus's voice wavered as he spoke.

"Queer? Like you're into boys?" Sirius said, hiding a smile.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Remus, you apologize too much. I know you're queer." Sirius stated happily.

"You do?" Remus took a step back in surprise. "But I thought-"

"Remus, shut it. Are you saying you're in love with me?" Sirius's dark eyebrows raised slightly, putting Remus on the spot.

"That's- um- what I was going to ask you." Remus said quietly, glancing away.

"Of course I am, Remus. You're so bloody hot. And so bloody gorgeous. And so bloody adorable. You make me go insane every time I glance at you. It physically hurts me."

"You'd better not be fucking joking, Black." Remus said flatly.

Sirius laughed and embraced Remus like a brother. *Hehe :)*

"Love you, Moons."

"I-I love you too."


Remus wanted to believe it. He really did. But there was something off about it. Sirius decided to like him back just then? He never seemed like it before.

"And who would like me, anyways?" Remus thought sadly as he walked the corridors to the Great Hall. He was nerdy and odd and too tall and had scars everywhere and wore much too many jumpers.

*I don't personally believe this, ofc, I'm basically in love with Remus and he's just one of those people that everyone at Hogwarts sort of fancies at least a little bit, but he is really self conscious and anxious so I'm trying to show that*

He walked into the Great Hall, searching for his friends at the Gryffindor table. He smiled when he saw Mary laughing so hard she almost fell off her chair.

Remus started walking over, stopping when he saw an attractive girl who was obviously flirting with Sirius, twirling her blonde hair around her finger and smiling aggressively.

Sirius didn't seem to care, he was talking with James and Peter, but the girl's presence made Remus want to rip her apart.

"Hello, Sirius." Remus said as he said down with a strained voice.

"Hi to you, too, Remus." Peter glared, then smiled.

"Who's this?" Remus gestured to the girl, who he had practically shoved aside in order to sit in his usual spot next to Sirius.

"I'm Sandra! I'm in a bunch of Sirius's classes. And you are?"

He was offended. He was in all of Sirius's classes, except Remus took Advanced Arithmancy, but that was it.

"I'm Remus. In all of his classes. Never seen you." Remus replied flatly.

"Oh. Well I guess you haven't looked!" The girl giggled, twirling her hair more vigorously now that Sirius was looking at her. "Anyways, Sirius, a Hogsmeade trip is coming up, anyone you want to take?"

Sandra squirmed her way next to Sirius, looking at him with a hopeful face.

"Erm-" Sirius glanced at Remus uncomfortably.

"Because I'm completely free. And if you are, too..."

The annoying girl was moving towards Sirius slightly, making Remus want to push her off the bench.

She placed her hand delicately on Sirius's chest and leaned in slowly. Serious backed away, looking automatically towards Remus again, then back at the girl.

Sandra suddenly shoved herself at him, interlocking their lips for quite a few seconds before finally pulling away. Sirius didn't resist.

The girl giggled again then made her way back to the Slytherin table gleefully.

"I can't believe you." Remus said through his teeth.

"She kissed me, Remus, you saw that!"

"You didn't resist it, you didn't pull away, not even a bit!"

Remus didn't even care that he was yelling now. Everyone around them was quite confused, but he didn't care. All he cared about was Sirius Black.

"I didn't want to make her feel bad!" Sirius argued back loudly.

"YOU DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE HER FEEL BAD?!" Remus shrieked madly, angrier than ever.

"Of course you get mad at that, you get mad at everything! You always get angry, no matter what I try to do!" Sirius screamed savagely, staring up at Remus in defiance. "After all, you're a bloody were-"

At this, James cut Sirius off, tackling him to the ground and causing all heads that weren't turned already to look their way. Plates and bits of people's breakfasts flew everywhere.

Remus finally noticed everyone was staring, and stormed out of the Great Hall in embarrassment and anger. He was seething.

He knew he shouldn't have trusted Sirius. Not with his furry little secret, not with his friendship, not with his love. Not with anything.


*#1: This chapter is dedicated to -1-800-LEVIOSA-, my online wife. Tysm bestiee*

*#2: This chapter is also dedicated to babypiggiesaresocute, I can't tell you how much I love seeing your comments, like seriously*

*#3: This chapter is also also dedicated to PadfootMoonyBlupin, here's the actual confession lol, gotta keep it interesting*

*#4: This chapter is also also also dedicated to everyone else who is reading, tysm I love you all x*

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