Chapter 8

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"Care to explain yourselves?" McGonagall surveyed the group from behind her rectangle glasses.

" sounds mental now...but the rules do say we can't be out of our beds until morning." James said apologetically.

McGonagall sighed. "You were still in the halls."

"But we were in our beds, Professor!" Peter blurted out.

McGonagall gave him a sharp look.

"You weren't, Mr. Pettigrew. I believe you were in James's bed." she snapped back.

Remus would have laughed out loud if he didn't remember the situation they were in.

"Please, professor, we were following the rules! We were hungry, so we decided to go to the kitchens!" Sirius looked desperate.

The professor took off her glasses and rubbed her temples.

"Do you actually believe you were following the rules, Mr. Black?"


James butted in.

"Professor, we were in our beds. Really, that's the only thing the rules say." He said, suppressing a grin.

McGonagall gave up.

"Very well. However, detention for each of you for arguing. And 10 points from Gryffindor for interrupting my sleep."

Remus sighed in relief. Thank Godric. Detention with McGonagall was usually just writing lines on the blackboard, or scrubbing the desks. Not too bad.

As they made their way back to the common room, beds trailing behind them, Remus thought about how James and Peter disappeared so quickly. He had heard about Apparating, but didn't think James and Peter could figure it out in only their first year.

"James," Sirius said as they climbed the stairs to the dorm, "How did you disappear like that, when McGonagall came?"

James grinned. "What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"Yes," Remus added, "Did you apparate?"

Peter rolled his eyes. "When are you going to read Hogwarts: A History? You can't apparate inside the grounds!"

"So how'd you do it then?" Remus asked, offended by Peter's comment.

James pulled out the shiny cloak, and put it around his shoulders.

Remus gasped.

"Wha-? How?"

Sirius practically shouted, "An invisibility cloak! Wow! Is it a real one?"

James looked affronted. "Of course it is!"

"Can I try it on?" Sirius took a step forward.

Remus stepped forward too.

James threw the cloak over the four of them. They turned to look in the mirror.

"Wow." Sirius said in amazement. "This is awesome."

They all agreed.

James gasped. "Why didn't I think about it before? Imagine the kinds of pranks we can play with this!"

Sirius's bright blue eyes widened.

"Oh. My. Godric."

James and Sirius bounded onto James's bed, talking excitedly.

Remus felt a little left out, and had a weird feeling in his chest.

"I thought Sirius only went on my bed..."

Peter and Remus shared a look, and climbed into their own beds, drawing the curtains.

"Not to be rude..." Peter started as the talking grew louder.

"But can you wankers shut it?" Remus finished for him, hoping for a laugh.

But Sirius didn't laugh. He hurriedly cast 'Muffiato' and they continued talking.

Remus's heart sank.


Sirius woke up as tired as Remus had ever seen him. His eyes were drooping, and his hair was messy. He looked amazing, still, of course, just different.

Him and James had stayed up all night talking about pranks Remus hoped they wouldn't loop him into.

At dinner that day, Sirius almost fell asleep in his soup. James seemed never tired, and was almost more energetic than he was normally. Peter tried calming him down, but James insisted he was fine and didn't need sleep anyways.

"Sleep is for the weak!" James declared at dinner, as Sirius nodded off next to him.

"Carry me to the common room, Remus?" Sirius begged.

Remus laughed and pushed him away, blushing.

Once they reached the common room (with lots of complaining from Sirius and James running up the stairs), James finally gave into Peter's begging to be calm, and sat to read a book.

Remus sat down on the sofa, and Peter sat on the sofa across from him.

Sirius finally came in, dragging his heels through the portrait hole. He slumped down next to Remus, his eyes closed.

"Next time we plan pranks, we need to start at breakfast, not at midnight." He moaned.

Sirius slid over to Remus and laid his head on Remus's shoulder. Remus tensed, trying not to breathe too loudly or disturb Sirius.

"Why am I being so weird? If it were James or Peter or even one of the girls, it wouldn't matter if I was breathing too loudly!"

Remus realized with a pang that Sirius was now asleep, softly snoring, and his hair was tickling Remus's cheek.

Remus looked up at James and Peter. They were heading to the dormitory. Remus panicked. What should he do? Wake Sirius? Push him off?

When he tried to move, Sirius stirred slightly, curling up more.

Remus sighed. It looked like he was spending the night here. He carefully rested his head on a pillow next to him, and fell asleep faster than he'd ever before.


When he woke, he looked around, taking in his bearings. By the time he remembered where he was, he had woken Sirius.

"G'morning" Sirius mumbled sleepily.

Remus felt the now-familiar flutter in his chest again.

"Hey." He responded, getting up.

Sirius groaned and arched his back as he got up.

He looked amazing, with his silky hair falling perfectly into place. Remus was sure he, himself, looked terrible. Remus continued watching Sirius as he picked up the books on the floor and started up the stairs to the dorm.

Sirius stopped as he realized Remus wasn't following.


"Yeah, sorry. Zoned out again."

"Always seems to be me you zone out on," Sirius said, grinning. "I don't mind, I know I'm gorgeous."

Remus blushed furiously.

"N-No, it's not like that-"

Sirius interrupted him.

"Only joking, mate." Sirius said, cocking his head and letting his dark hair fall to the side, smiling softly.

Remus just about melted on the spot.

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