Chapter 5

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                           ⚠️TW ⚠️
                         Child ab!se

Peter and James went off to History of Magic, scolding Sirius and Remus for skipping.

"We'll be fine! I'll bet you 5 galleons ol' Binns doesn't even notice!"

"I'll take that bet! I heard from Frank that Binns is grumpiest on the first day of the school year!"

Sirius and Remus set off to the dorm. When they were at the dorm, Sirius plopped down on Remus' bed, and Remus sat on the cushy armchair next to the bed.

"Why don't you go on your own bed, Sirius?" Remus said, side-eyeing him.

"My bed's not made. Yours is." Sirius said, grinning.

"Well, it's wrinkled now that you're on it." Remus didn't mind Sirius being on his bed, but it was fun to bicker with someone as witty as Sirius.

"Guess you'll have to make it again for me to lay on," Sirius smiled and brushed his silky hair out of his clear blue eyes. The light was hitting his eyes in a way where it looked like the ocean, turquoise in some parts and a deep blue in others.

Sirius lifted his head to look at Remus.

"Jam on my cheek again?" He said, chuckling.


"What about them?" Sirius said, leaning forward in curiousity.

"Nothing. Sorry."


"Detention, Black! You too, Lupin!"

The duo swiveled their heads as they walked the corridor.

"Oh, no."

"Skipping class, are we?" Filch curved his mouth in something that might be called a grin if you hadn't seen it.

"You don't have the authority to give us detention." Remus said flatly.

Sirius covered his mouth to contain his laugh.

"MCGONAGALL'S OFFICE. NOW." Filch practically screamed. His creepy cat flicked her tail and eyed them all the way to the office.


"I can't believe we got detention. We should have lied and said we were on the way to the bathroom to snog. That'd leave him speechless!" Sirius proclaimed as they scrubbed the already shining trophies.

Remus' stomach fluttered. What was this feeling? He hated it. No, he loved it. No, he despised it. He couldn't decide.

His hand brushed Sirius' as they scrubbed. He pulled away quickly.

"Remus? You okay?"

"Yeah. Fine."

"You seemed weird this morning, too."

"What? When?"

"When I hugged you"

"... Oh."

"I get it, okay?"

"You do?" Remus smirked despite himself. He, himself, didn't even 'get it'.

"Yeah. I noticed your scars, too. My mother does the same thing."

Remus was confused.

"The...same thing?"

"Yeah. Right here."

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