Chapter 19

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When Remus's friends came home from break, they were ecstatic to hear that Remus had successfully tracked Filch and his cat, Ms. Norris, on the map.

Now, when you looked at the map, you could see two small sets of footprints moving around the map, labeled "Argus Filch" and "Norris Filch".

"You're brilliant, Remus! We'll never get detention again!" James said, practically dancing with happiness.

"That's perfect! Although McGonagall could still nail us with a detention." Peter said.

"I'm working on that, actually. Tracking all the professors, and even some of the prefects." Remus was so proud of his map, he forgot not to boast. "Everyone who could take away points."

"Wow. That's completely mental. In a good way." Sirius was awed.

"I know." Remus grinned.


"Today we will be reading about werewolves. Please turn to page 394." The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor said, flipping to the page in his own copy.

Remus's stomach did a flip-flop. He could feel his friend's stares on the back of his head. He flipped slowly to the page number glumly.

"Werewolves are very dangerous magical creatures." The text stated. Remus rolled his eyes. This is just what he needed after staying up all night perfecting the map.

"They are rated XXXXX in terms of dangerousness when active, and are recognized by the Council of Magical Creatures of Scotland and England as one of the most dangerous magical creatures on the planet."

"Excuse me, professor, but this text doesn't say how dangerous a werewolf would be when not active." Peter said, raising his hand. "For instance, would the werewolf color code his socks?"

Remus blushed. What was Peter doing?? He groaned as he saw James and Sirius's faces light up with joy, catching on to what Peter was doing.

"Professor, could I add on to that question by asking if the werewolf, when not active, would have an obsession with chocolate?" James was suppressing a laugh.

Remus put his head down on his desk, banging it softly on the hard wood. The students around them were oblivious, simply thinking the friends were probably just joking about an inside joke.

"And I was wondering, professor, if the not active werewolf could silence a room with just a withering stare, or the loud closing of a book?" Sirius said, grinning broadly, having that familiar mischievous look in his bright eyes. Those eyes.

The professor looked confused.

"How about, would the werewolf only wear oversized sweaters no matter what weather?" Peter said gleefully.

"Yes, and could the werewolf get all the gals in just a small smile and a glance?" Sirius cackled.

"Would the werewolf scold his friends for pranking when he was the one who had the plan in the first place?" James laughed loudly.

No one was paying any attention to them anymore, not understanding the joke, and going back to reading their books. The boys were simply doing this to embarrass Remus.

As the class got out, his friends were still giggling.

"That was really risky, you know!" Remus scolded. "If anybody in that class was smarter than a bag of bricks, they would have figured it out!"

"Nah, there wasn't even any Ravenclaws today. I heard they're all hung over from a huge party last night." Sirius said, smiling.

"Weren't you all invited?" Remus said, shrugging off the topic of the hijink.

"Yeah, me an' James were. But you were working on the map, and we had to be there. Moral support and all that." Sirius said, tying his silky black hair into a bun, his wand in between his teeth.

Remus didn't answer at first, too mesmerized by Sirius's hair.

"Oh. Wait. What? You should have gone, I don't need moral support!" Remus said, glaring at his friends.

"Oh, shut it, Lupin. You don't know what you need." Sirius said, grinning at Remus.

James and Peter shared a knowing glance, silently agreeing that that was the truest sentence Sirius had ever said.

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