Chapter 52

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"Men, I believe we have finished the Marauder's Map." James announced, holding it up proudly.

"Hogwarts will talk about it for generations to come." Sirius said, striking a pose.

"It will never lie or be cursed, for it is a powerful object of pure good." Peter said in a mock high class accent.

"Wait, but we're going to use it to prank, right?" Sirius said, coming out of his pose and glancing at Remus.

"Obviously." James grinned.

They studied the map together, marvelling at its greatness. It displayed the words:

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map.

*If you didn't read that in Harry's voice something's wrong with you*

"I still think that it should be Moony, Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail. You always put who worked on it the most first, then the next..." Sirius said, trailing off at the glare on Peter's face.

"I worked on it more than you! And Moony and Padfoot don't roll off the tounge." Peter said, crossing his arms.

"Remus and Sirius does." Sirius said in a low voice, turning away from his friends.

"That it does." Remus smiled.



Lily walked along the corridor, her spell books in hand. She was quite angry. She had just caught Sev terrorizing a couple of second year Gryffindors.

"Why did you call them that word?" Lily had said, her green eyes flashing dangerously.


"It's a terrible word, Sev. Blood status doesn't matter. Aren't you a half blood yourself?" She said, hands on her hips.

"Don't- don't announce that."

Lily gave him a look of deep disgust, and stalked away in the other direction, towards the castle. She was supposed to be going to Herbology, but she would have to pass Severus and his friends, so she decided to just go back to her dormitory.

When she got there, she noticed some spare parchment and a couple of quills on the table in the common room. Picking them up, she gasped in surprise at words appearing on one of the parchment.

Mr. Moony would like to please ask Miss Evans if she could put the parchment down before all hell breaks loose.

Lily squinted at the parchment as more words appeared.

Mr. Padfoot would like to ask Miss Evans to ignore what Mr. Moony says, because he would love to see Mr. Prongs shit his pants.

Mr. Wormtail would like to ask Mr. Prongs if he is doing alright?

Mr. Prongs would like to make it known that no, he is not alright.

Lily sank into an armchair, a smile on her face. She knew her friend's nicknames, of course, and could use a laugh, so she kept reading.

Mr. Padfoot would like to ask Miss Evans if she could find this particular parchment a lot more often.

Mr. Prongs would like to say fuck you to Mr. Padfoot.

Mr. Moony would like to see where this argument is going but also stop the argument.

Mr. Prongs would also like to ask Miss Evans if she has ever had feelings for a handsome lad of the name James Potter?

Mr. Moony would like to slam his head against a wall.

Mr. Wormtail thinks perhaps it would be for the best if Miss Evans put the parchment down and walked away.

Mr. Prongs does not think Miss Evans should walk away because he is still waiting for an answer about the whole James Potter thing.

Lily couldn't stop herself from giggling out loud. Honestly, it was quite charming how Potter could be so utterly clueless.

Mr. Padfoot is having the time of his life and cannot stop laughing.

Mr. Moony is trying to contain his laughter, at least.

Mr. Padfoot would like to add that James Potter seems like an awful person who smells like a dungbomb exploded all over him.

Mr. Prongs would like to tell Mr. Padfoot to shut the fuck up.

Mr. Moony would like to apologize to Miss Evans.

Mr. Prongs would like to oppose Mr. Padfoot by saying that James Potter smells wonderful and also seems like great boyfriend material.

Mr. Padfoot thinks that Mr. Prongs is great at being subtle.

Mr. Prongs thinks that Mr. Padfoot should stick his own head up his arse.

Mr. Wormtail would like to say that James Potter does smell good.

Mr. Prongs would like to say thank you to Mr. Wormtail.

Mr. Padfoot thinks that Mr. Wormtail is a suck up and also does not smell good.

Mr. Prongs thinks that Mr. Padfoot smells like wet dog.

Mr. Padfoot thinks that Mr. Wormtail is a stinky rat.

Mr. Wormtail would like to say that he did not ask to be apart of this conversation.

Mr. Padfoot thinks that Mr. Moony should back him up here for Godric's sake.

Mr. Moony would like to say that everyone should just shut up.

Lily grinned down at the parchment, which was now wiping itself blank. They always knew how to help her cheer up, whether they were trying to or not.


This chapter is dedicated to babypiggiesaresocute

Happy birthday!!

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