Chapter 47

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Please watch the video above it's so good!! ^^

Remus had woken up on a table in the common room with absolutely no memory of how he had gotten there.

He looked around in amazement at the trashed common room. About fourty people were strewn about, dangling off of sofas or chairs or simply just lying on the carpeted floor.

In fact, now that he thought about it, Remus had no memory of last night. He grumbled and walked slowly up the stairs to the dormitory, where James was lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling with no shirt on and his Gryffindor tie around his head.

"Morning, Moony." James sighed when he walked in. "If this is what a hangover feels like, I'll never drink again."

Remus walked into the bathroom, where Peter had just finished throwing up in the bath tub.

"Hey, Remus." He said weakly before returning to puking.

Remus rubbed his eyes blearily before looking at himself in the mirror. He looked normal, to his surprise, except for a mysterious pink lipstick stain on his left cheek.

He washed his face, and was in the midst of drying it when Sirius walked in.

"Good morning, Moony. Great party last night, don't you think?" Sirius stepped over Peter and perched on the counter.

"I don't remember." Remus said, his voice muffled as he dried his face.

"Must've been great, then, right?" He grinned.

"If you call this great." Remus gestured vaguely at Peter.

"I call it an amazing night." Sirius chuckled as Peter glared at him.

"Can you all shut up?" James groaned from the other room. "My head is trying to murder me right now."


Remus gave Sirius a potted plant for his birthday, as a joke. He thought it would be dead by next week. But a month later, it was alive and well.

"James, can I bring my plant to your house over Christmas? It needs to be watered twice every day or it gets sad." Sirius begged.

"How are you even going to travel with it? You can't put it in your case." Peter said.

"I can hold it!" Sirius replied happily.

"Sorry, Sirius, it's the plant or me." James said, grinning.

"Hey! Its name is Moony Two, and I love it. So I guess I'm staying at Hogwarts." Sirius said, glaring at James.

"I guess so." James said, shrugging. "But you do know you can place a watering spell on it?"

Sirius gasped dramatically. "I would never put a spell on Moony Two! What if it malfunctioned and he drowned?!"

"It's a 'he' now?" Peter said, raising an eyebrow and smiling.

"Of course. Moony Two and I are going to go now. He says he doesn't like you all. Except you, Moony." Sirius skipped away happily.

"I'm starting to wish you never got him that plant." James said, exasperated.

"His name is Moony Two, not 'that plant'." Remus chuckled.

"I'll bet five galleons it'll die over break!" Peter said excitedly.

"I'll take that bet. He's kept it alive for a month, he'll keep it alive for at least one more." James laughed.


"Happy Christmas, you wanker!" Sirius woke Remus happily, throwing a pillow at his friend's face.

"Happy Christmas, you twat." Remus greeted him back, smiling and eyeing the presents under the small tree that James and Sirius had snuck into the dorm before break.

"Present number one!" Sirius announced loudly as he passed a gift in gold wrapping to Remus.

The presents were amazing, but none better than Sirius's bracelet he made for Remus.

"It has gold, like your eyes, and red, like your favorite jumper, and green, like Moony Two!" Sirius had said when Remus opened the gift.

Remus ignored the terrible color combination and grinned. There was something about the way that Sirius said 'Moony' that always made him blush.

"Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Remus smiled shyly and gazed into Sirius's bright eyes.

"Oddly enough, that's what I was thinking." Sirius swooped in, not giving Remus enough time to register what he had said.

Their lips locked together, feeling as if they'd never pull apart again. Sirius's lips were always soft, but the fact they had just woken up gave them a certain charm.

Remus stumbled back onto the sofa as Sirius's tounge danced with his own. Sirius was now lying on top of Remus, making him breathless. Remus rolled off the sofa onto the ground with a thud, and Sirius laughed heartily.

Remus launched himself at the boy, taking the lead. Their chests heaved against each other with deep breaths. Sirius stopped and pulled away, still underneath Remus.

He arched his eyebrow and smirked his shiny pink lips, his dark hair falling around his face perfectly. He pressed up against Remus harder, lifting his body by pushing his legs into the cushions of the sofa.

Remus's heart rate quickened as Sirius started undoing Remus's pajama shirt hurriedly. Sirius stopped for a moment, and stared at Remus's torso.

Then he growled softly, staring into Remus's eyes. Remus had never felt so alive. He undid Sirius's shirt just as fast, kissing his tan neck along the way.

Sirius shuddered as Remus licked a long line from his collar all the way up to his forehead. Remus went back to Sirius's lips, ramming his tounge into the other boy's mouth and kissing him with all his might.

Sirius slipped Remus's pajama bottoms off and threw them across the room, leaving only his boxers.

" you really think...we doing this?" Remus said breathlessly in between kisses.

"I've never cared about what I should be doing before, Remus, but right now I know I should be doing you." Sirius said, grinning and brushing his dark locks out of his face as he looked at Remus.

Remus licked his lips and stared back at Sirius. "My scars..." He said painfully, watching Sirius's sweat run down his perfect face.

"Are fucking gorgeous." Sirius said. "And don't forget I have scars, too."

"I-" Remus started helplessly.

The door to the dormitory banged open.

"Hello, boys! Happy Christmas!" Mindy sang cheerfully.

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