Chapter 53

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Exams were upon them. Remus had never seen an entire year more stressed. OWLs were the most that anyone's ever studied, and Remus just kept thinking about how awful NEWTs would be.

The library was packed full of fifth years and seventh years taking notes and studying for their respective exams, so Remus was reading in the common room.

Sirius was lying his head in Remus's lap, levitating his quill higher and higher into the air as Remus read.

Normally Remus would be insanely nervous about what his friend was doing, but it was like he was in a different world when he was reading.

One that he could picture all in his head, and they weren't words on the page, it was characters and animals and places and sights and smells all in one. Books were like the perfect reality, ones that were free of werewolves and Mindy and Snivellus.

It was just all good feelings, and he read about other people's problems that seemed so huge to them but so small to Remus. He imagined he was in his own story, with small problems. He closed his eyes and imagined someone's eyes skimming across pages that told his own story.

"Can't exactly read with your eyes closed, Moony." Sirius said, grinning as Remus opened his eyes.

"Right. Sorry. I was... thinking of the OWLs."

"With a smile on your face?" Sirius lowered his wand, and the quill dropped onto the table with a clatter. "I know what you were doing. Imagining the story in your head?"

"Yeah. Except it was my own story." Remus said, glancing away self consciously.

"Your own story?" Sirius asked softly, his bright eyes fixed on Remus.

"Not too interesting, I'm afraid."

"What do you mean? You're an orphaned wizard werewolf nerd. I'd say that's story worthy." Sirius said, chuckling.

"There are plenty of people that are much more interesting, Black." Remus could feel a slight blush creeping up his face.

"You're the most interesting, Lupin."


"Five more minutes!" Professor Flitwick called out as he passed James.

Quills scratched hurriedly all around Remus. He was already done, and watching the light shine off of Sirius's hair diagonal from him. A girl a couple seats down from Remus was watching Sirius with a hopeful look on her face.

"What she should be hopeful about is her exam scores. She's barely halfway done."

Remus watched as James turned and grinned at Sirius, who gave a thumbs up back. He leaned back in his chair just slightly, his dark hair falling beautifully into his face.

He suddenly felt as though someone was watching him, so he looked back down at his paper and pretended to be going over his answers thoughtfully. The feeling passed, and he glanced back up at Sirius.

He ripped his eyes away from Sirius and to Peter, who was writing hurriedly and glancing at his neighbor's paper every once and a while.

"Quills down, please! That means you, too, Stebbins." Flitwick scolded, frowning at a boy who was trying to write just a bit more on his parchment. "Please remain seated while I collect your parchment. Accio!"

All the exams in the room zoomed towards the tiny professor, knocking him off his feet. Remus contained a laugh as he watched Flitwick gather himself and get back up.

"Thank you, thank you. Very well everybody, you're free to go!"

"Did you like question ten, Moony?" Sirius chuckled as they left the Great Hall.

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