Chapter 50

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"So, Re, what happens when you turn into a wolf? Because Animagi just turn into an animal, but werewolves transform. Seems fun." James said as they walked under the invisibility cloak to the Whomping Willow.

Remus sighed. "All of my bones break. Then reassemble into their wolf form, stretching and growing into bones that are stronger. And my brain shrinks, forgetting everything, and my blood becomes warmer. Oh, and I develop a sudden taste for human flesh. It's incredibly painful."

His friends paled. Peter looked like he was going to be sick.

"Sorry, mate, shouldn't have brought it up." James mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, other than that, it's quite fun getting gashes all over my body and trying to rip apart the only thing holding me back from killing everyone at Hogwarts." Remus went on sarcastically.

"Won't happen again, Moony, I'm sorry!" James said, wincing at Remus's words.

"No, no, it's really fun. Especially the part when I was a prefect for a whole day, then I had to turn it down because the fucking pin was silver." Remus growled.

"We could have-"

"Especially fun when I miss days of class because I'm getting patched up in the hospital wing every month."


"Absolutely fun when I know that if anyone else finds out, I'll be kicked out of Hogwarts." Remus continued bitterly, ignoring James. It felt good to get it all off of his chest.

"Moony-?" Peter tried, pushing open the door to the shack.

"Real fucking bloody fun when I get asked in the halls if someone's hurting me because of all my scars, and I have no clue what to say, so I say yes."

"Remus." Sirius said softly.

Remus stopped, tears dripping from his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... say all of that."

"No, we're glad you finally opened up about it." James said sternly.

"Shit. Okay. It's happening." Remus groaned as the wolf started to take over. "You know what, I want to just be alone this time. Please?"

"Like... without us?" Sirius asked, bewildered.

"No. Alone with people. Yes, without us!" James said, ushering his friends out of the shack.

Remus heard them run along the narrow hallway, and winced.

The wolf was going to be furious that his friends weren't there, Remus knew.


Remus had been right. The wolf tore his body up. He had too many scratches to count. Madam Pomfrey was visiting Beauxbatons, thinking that Remus could handle himself since he had hardly been getting any bruises lately, and couldn't help him.

He dragged himself out of the Whomping Willow, feeling like he was about to collapse.

He wasn't sure how early it was, but the sun was barely peeking over the horizon, so he hoped that his friends would be waiting in the hospital wing for him.

He collapsed about ten feet from the hospital wing door, blood seeping from his gashes. He tried to call out for help, but he was too weak and too tired.

And then someone appeared.

Dark hair, high cheekbones, and an amazingly expensive cloak. It had to be Sirius.

The boy pointed his wand at Remus and levitated him towards the Gryffindor common room.

Remus spotted the pink blur he knew to be the Fat Lady.

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