Chapter 38

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Sirius stayed at Hogwarts during Christmas. It wasn't a big deal, for Sirius at least, but Remus still felt jittery when he found out.

"I don't want to go back to the 'Black residence', of course, and I spent all of last summer at your place, James, so I really shouldn't barge in again." Sirius said glumly.

"That's completely mental, my parents love you!" James said, ruffling his hair and leaning back in his chair.

Sirius smiled. "I know."

"So you should come!" James said loudly.

"Nah, I think I'll hang out with Moony here. He needs company or he sulks all of break." Sirius glanced at Remus.

"You should go, Sirius. I'm fine by myself." Remus said, trying to sound convincing.

"Never was, never will be." Sirius grinned and puffed out his chest impressively. "You've never been fine by yourself! You need me."

"My hero." Remus said sarcastically, smirking.


"See ya soon!" Sirius waved enthusiastically as Peter and James boarded the Hogwarts Express, heading home for the holidays.

They waved back, hanging out of the window and waving until they weren't in view anymore.

"So," Sirius asked, relaxing his waving hand, "What do you want to do?"

Remus could think of a lot of things he wanted to do, but none of them seemed appropriate for the moment.

"Exploding Snap?" Remus suggested as they walked back towards the castle in the distance.

"Sure. And we can play as much as we want, because Frank and Alice can't tell us off for being too loud!" Sirius grinned.

"Right. I heard they're dating now, did you hear?" Remus asked slyly.

"Oh, yeah. I knew just by the way they looked at each other. Since first year, actually." Sirius bragged.

Remus rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you did."

"I did! I swear to Godric!" Sirius said, offended but smiling.

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Remus grinned. "You seem to have a knack for knowing when someone likes someone else." He stifled a laugh. Inside jokes are only funny when you don't share them with someone else.


They had reached the castle after Sirius insisted on sprinting the rest of the way there, starting before Remus could agree.

Luckily, Remus could keep up because of how much taller he was than Sirius.

They wrenched open the large oak doors, taking both of the boys to open them. Remus sighed as he realized they still had to climb the staircases.

When they finally reached the dormitory, they were quite out of breath. Sirius's face was still pink from the cold of the air outside.

His lips glossy from licking them while chapped, his cheeks flushed, and his only slightly smudged eyeliner framing his gorgeous ocean eyes.

Remus stopped himself from drooling at the sight of the majestic marauder in front of him, and looked in the mirror, checking his own appearance.

He had never really cared about his appearance before, but Sirius was just so perfect, he had to check if he looked that perfect.

In Remus's opinion, he didn't. His cheeks were flushed as well, but the scars just ruined his entire face. His shaggy hair came down into his eyes, making Remus have to push it away constantly.

What made it worse was that his oversized sweater of the day was practically the same color as his skin, making his cheeks look even redder.

"Judging yourself again, Moony?" Sirius said casually, bending down to pick up the Exploding Snap cards from the carpeted floor.


Sirius gave him a look that quite obviously said, 'I know you were and you can't lie to me.'

"Fine. I was. I hate my scars." Remus admitted after a pause.

"What do you mean?!" Sirius drew forward, studying Remus's scars. "I think they look great! I mean, not great, of course, but..."

Sirius trailed off, his head tilted slightly as he looked at Remus.

"But what?" Remus said flatly.

Sirius moved even closer, reaching his hand out and tracing Remus's scars softly. His warm hand tingled on Remus's skin as it moved lightly across his face.

"They're stunning."


Dear Remus,

James got me a kitten for Christmas. I wasn't sure what to think of it, except that he just wants to woo me like always. But he didn't send anything like that in the letter, it just said 'Happy Christmas Lily'. It's quite a cute kitten, and I think it's a kneazle, because of it's cleverness. Not sure why I'm telling you this. James has been different lately. More...nice.

Your friend, Lily Evans

Remus grinned. And passed the letter to Sirius, who was lounging next to him on the sofa.

"James is finally not being a complete and utter twat!" He said proudly as Sirius scanned the letter.

"A cat?" Sirius scrunched his nose up as if he had smelled something bad. "Not the best choice."

"Oh, here comes another letter! I love Christmas." Remus said excitedly as a handsome looking owl with a parcel swooped in through the open window.

"Why do Muggles even celebrate it? They aren't supposed to know about wizards." Sirius said, stretching and tying Remus's bracelet to his ankle.

Remus ignored him, untying the letter and parcel from the brownish owl and feeding it some crackers before sending it off.

Moony and Siri-

I got Lily a present this year. A kneazle. I've heard they live for practically ever, but the face on the thing looks like it was smashed into a wall. It's quite ugly, but I hope Lily will like it. It's the same color as her hair. Do you think she'll notice? Anyways, Happy Christmas.

James Potter

P.S. My mum and dad sent you both sweaters, even though I told them Sirius doesn't wear any. They got the idea of putting the initials on it from the Prewetts, so sorry Remus can't have them both. Sirius, just send a polaroid of you wearing it then you can toss it away.

Sirius, who was resting his head on Remus's shoulder to read, making him incredibly nervous, was now unwrapping the parcel quickly, throwing the wrapping paper everywhere.

He held up a sweater with an 'S' knitted on it. He nearly dropped it in surprise when the 'S' morphed into an image of the Gryffindor lion.

"That's brilliant!" He exclaimed, watching the patterns change back and forth slowly.

Remus picked up his own sweater from the box. It had the same morphing pattern, this time with an 'R'.

He pulled it on right away, feeling the soft fabric on his scarred skin. Remus smiled down at it, then glanced up to Sirius, who had also put on his own sweater.

"We're doing that thing again, where we accidentally wear the same clothes!" Sirius said with a grin and a sparkle in his bright eyes.

Remus rolled his eyes playfully, smiling.

"For the last time, Sirius, we wear uniforms ninety percent of the time." Remus said, a blush creeping up his face.

"Still." Sirius said, tearing his eyes away from Remus's eyes and looking back down at the sweater.

"Happy Christmas, Sirius."

"Happy Christmas, Remus."

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