Chapter 73

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"Quidditch match today, and it's a big one." said James, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

"You say that every match, Prongs." Sirius called from the bathroom, no doubt brushing his hair for the third time that morning.

"Well, it's true this time! Hufflepuff is undefeated this season so far, and if we beat them we will officially be in the running for Quidditch Cup." James pulled on his unwashed jersey, scrunching up his nose at the smell. "Anyone know any stench charms?"

Remus waved his wand and James relaxed, smelling pleasantly like lavender. "Good luck, Lily and I will be in the stands. And Sirius, I can't believe Minnie let you announce again."

"Not Pete?" James asked, shooting a confused glance in the smaller boy's direction.

"Sorry, mate, Marietta asked to study together, and...well...sorry." Peter smiled apologetically.

James ruffled his hair and grinned. "Ah, I knew the day would come when you left me for someone better, my dearest."

"Oh, shove off, Potter."

"Anyways, I've seen them practice, Hufflepuff's Beaters are way better than ours, I just don't know how we're going to win this one." James said worriedly, ruffling his hair.

"Well, I don't know much about quidditch, but I think you should make more goals than the other team, Prongs." Remus grinned sarcastically.

"Thank you for your undying love and support, Moony." James replied dryly, walking out the door.


James swerved and dove for the Quaffle, shot ruthlessly by Hufflepuff through the hoop. He missed completely, his hands not even grazing the ball.

At the same moment, the Hufflepuff Seeker caught the Snitch.

The entirety of Gryffindor's side groaned in disappointment. They had lost the match terribly.

"220 to 30. What a game." He slouched against an armchair in the common room, pouting.

"If we don't count the Snitch points, it's only 70 to 30." Sirius offered meekly, earning a glare from James.

"Don't worry about it, Prongs, you still have a chance to get into the finals." Peter said solemnly.

"Barely. We'll have to beat them twice." James groaned and pulled the Invisibility Cloak over himself.

"Jamie ol' boy, come out from under there." Sirius coaxed.

"No, I won't, you can't make me." James wailed in response.

"Leave him be, Padfoot, he's suffered enough already." Remus smiled sympathetically.

Although he didn't understand Quidditch that much, he understood how it felt to loose badly, and he knew the pain all too well.

"I hope someone sits on you to shock you out of it." Sirius said, standing up and climbing the stairs to the dormitory. "Care for a smoke, Moony?"

Remus grinned. "You know me too well."

As they made their way up the long spiral of stairs leading to the seventh year dorms, Sirius reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him so that he was level with his face.

"Isn't it a bit sad that I'm two steps below for you to look right into my face?" Remus teased.

"Shut it, Lupin."

Sirius looked at him for a moment before smirking and kissing him, hard. He cradled Remus's head perfectly, his veiny hands caressing his jawline and cheek.

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