Chapter 82

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Lily Evans has anxiety. She got anxiety from a lot of different things, but relationships were one of the big ones. She really, really liked James, but she just couldn't hold up a relationship.

She told Remus all of this in tears, knowing it would hurt James. She didn't want to take a break, but she had to. For her mental health.

And so they were on a pause for a bit. James wasn't as sad as Remus thought he would be. He seemed to know it wasn't personal. It wasn't a break up. Just a bit of a sabbatical.

Regulus Black was ecstatic. He was the happiest he'd been in ages. Not that he thought he had a chance. But James was kind-of single. Barely.

They were in the shower rooms after quidditch practice.

"So, um, it's almost Christmas." Regulus said as he stepped into the shower.

"Yeah, what do you want to get?" James asked, ruffling his own messy locks as he got into another shower.

"Honestly or the thing I'm telling my mother?"


"I want to get fucked."

James dropped his shampoo bottle and it slid across the tiled floor. Cursing, he struggled to pick it up as the slippery tube fell out of his hands over and over again.

"You-You want to get fucked?" James echoed in a high voice.

"Yep." Regulus replied matter-of-factly. "I've done it before, but I always have to be the top. It gets boring."

"Mhm." James's heart was beating fast. He knew he was pansexual. Lily knew. And he knew that Regulus was hot. But he wasn't allowed to date him. He was Sirius's brother. And he was practically still dating Lily.

"Anyways, what do you want to get?" Regulus's smooth voice carried over from the shower next to him. The steam in the air was warm and comforting.

"Um. Fuzzy socks?" His voice cracked. Shit.

"That's a good second choice." There was a hint of amusement in the reply.

"That's actually my first choice. I need new socks."

"You don't want to get fucked?" The voice seemed closer than usual.

"I mean, I do, but-"

The shower door opened. What was happening? James couldn't think. He could only see a blurry outline of Regulus Black standing in front of him.

And then they were kissing.

He didn't know who started it. But it was amazing. It smelled like honeydew, and like the stars themselves.

"Oh, shit!" James jumped back, dropping the bottle again.


"You're Sirius's brother! I can't-"

"God, you're right. What the fuck am I doing? You have a girlfriend." Regulus backed up slowly with a pained look on his face and practically ran out of the room.

James stood in shock for a while after that, water dripping down his back.


Remus was the friend that everyone came to talk to. So he heard about this interaction from both Regulus and James. They told it differently, however.

In each of their stories, it seemed like the other person was being the suggestive one. Remus actually didn't care. He was excited that they had finally kissed, however, this was terrible news for James.

He was already caught up in the break with Lily, and James couldn't have any more drama. But James didn't seem too off about it.

Regulus, on the other hand, had been looking forward to that moment for years, but he was nervous and kept repeating, "What if Sirius finds out?"

"Look, Reg, I think he'd be fine with it. He would probably just scold you for fucking his brother and get over it." Remus shrugged, leaning back in the cushy green chair in the Slytherin common room.

"You're like a brother to me. I'd scold him for fucking you."

"We aren't-!"

"Oh my Salazar. You both are so obvious about it. I bet even the professors know at this point." Regulus laughed. "And did you really think Siri would keep it a secret? He's been parading hickeys around all year long."

Remus groaned. "Stop turning this on me. You're the one who just snogged James."

"Don't remind me." Regulus sunk down in his chair. "Change the subject."

"Fine. Are you staying for Christmas? It's our last Christmas at Hogwarts, so all of our friends are staying. Even James." Remus said, raising a teasing eyebrow.

"I'm not sure if they're my friends any more. Remember my tattoo?" Regulus gestured vaguely to his arm with a vacant expression.

"I remember." Remus replied grimly. "Are you staying or not?"

"Mother said You-Know-Who had to speak with me about something. Said it was a great honor that he would want to talk to me." Regulus picked at the chair's threads solemnly.

"Yeah, a great honor that could get you killed."

"So I probably won't stay." He finished. "Sorry."

Remus nodded. "See you after break, then."


"Regulus. I will see you after break. Promise me."

"I promise."

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