Chapter 2

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By the time they reached their destination, Remus had three new friends and a belly full of Chocolate Frogs that Sirius had bought for him. James and Peter preferred Bernie Botts' Every Flavoured Beans, so Sirius and Remus shared a pile of the scrumchious frogs.

It was dark out, and Remus wasn't used to wearing a long cloak like the others. As Remus stepped off the train, he stumbled, and fell headfirst into Sirius. Sirius helped him up, smiling softly. Remus mumbled an apology and swiftly marched forwards.

Remus didn't know what was wrong with him. This had never happened before, he knew. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He decided it was nerves, going to a new school he knew nothing about. He glanced up, and saw a magnificent castle up on the hill in front of them. The lights were glowing against the night, and leading the way for the students. It was unlike anything Remus had ever seen.

"Come on, Remus! In the boats!" James called out from beside a deep looking lake. Remus scrambled to keep up, embarrassed he was lugging the huge briefcase behind him.

Peter giggled as Remus came up to the group. "You don't have to bring your case. The house elves will get it later. It's what my sister told me, at least."

Remus, not wanting to look stupid, stuck his tounge out at Peter.

"I know, Peter! I wanted to bring it with me. You know, for... in case I need it." He finished lamely. Peter looked like he wanted to say more, but was silenced by a stern look from James.

The boys climbed into the boat and waited for the rest of the children to start their voyage. Right when they were about to start off, three girls and a boy scrambled in with them.

One of the girls, with bright red hair and even brighter green eyes was talking a mile a minute to a very skinny boy with greasy looking hair. The boy looked bored with the conversation, but was still staring intently at the girl. Remus turned, and noticed James was staring, too. Sirius was busy staring at one of the other girls that got in with them. Remus' heart felt heavy. She was a short girl with very unruly dark hair. Her skin was a soft cocoa brown, which complimented her hair beautifully.

Remus glanced over at Peter, who was digging in his pockets for his watch, which Sirius had nicked about 10 minutes into the train ride just to annoy Peter. Remus felt lonely and crossed his arms, huffing. He made eye contact with the other girl on the packed boat. She had frizzy blonde hair tied back behind her, and the flyaways stood out with the lights behind her. She smiled at him, and rolled her eyes, gesturing vaguely to the red haired girl and the greasy looking kid. Remus smiled back, and laughed a bit.

As the boat drifted onto shore, all the staring stopped and the students made a line climbing up the hill to the castle.

When inside, they were met by a severe looking woman with grey streaked brown hair and square glasses. Remus knew he should pay close attention, but his mind kept wandering to other places. He would look around the castle in wonder, then become anxious about what was in store, then think fondly about his new friends, then back to trying to listen to the woman.

Finally, the group started moving again. They went through large oak doors into an enormous hall covered in different coloured decorations. He felt overwhelmed by it all, and scolded himself for not listening.

The woman, who was called McGonagall, starting calling names up to an old hat. The hat would yell out gibberish, then everyone would applaud, and they would go sit down. Seemed easy enough.

Sirius went first out of his new friends, and once the hat yelled out something, he smiled broadly at the table with green on it and gave it two middle fingers up. He then walked over to the red table and continued smiling widely.

The girl with the red hair also walked over to the red table, and the greasy kid didn't seem too happy about it. Remus thought he should be happier, he didn't seem he was enjoying the conversation anyway.

Remus' name was called, and he walked up to the hat slowly. He jumped when a voice started talking in his ear.

"Ahh, Remus Lupin. I knew your father, of course. He was in Ravenclaw, which wouldn't be a bad option for you. However...hmmm...yes, I see. Ahh. You would do great there, too, of course. Yes, let's do... GRYFFINDOR!!"

McGonagall lifted the old hat from his head and pushed him gently towards the red table. Sirius was grinning even wider now, waving his hand in the air excitedly. Remus hurried to the table and sat down next to his friend.

Once the sorting was over, Remus was brimming with excitement. James and Peter were at the same table as him, or "house", as Sirius and James tried loudly to explain to him.

"You see, there are four houses. One table for each house."

"But there's only three good houses, you see? Slytherin's just where they put my cousins."

"Sirius, you're confusing him more. Don't listen to him, Remus."

"Yes, listen to me! I have more knowledge than you, Potter!"

"You wish!"

"No, you wish!"

"Shut it!"

"You shut it!"

Remus just laughed along with Peter and felt happier than he's ever been.

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