Chapter 49

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*I know this has been done multiple times before but I love it lol*

"Good morning class, today we will be brewing Amortentia. Does anyone know how this spectacular potion can be recognized?" Slughorn said cheerfully, glancing around the room.

Lily shot her hand up in the air, squirming to answer the question.

"Ah, Miss Evans."

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in wizarding history. It can be recognized by its mother of pearl sheen, although it is more widely recognized by its highly distinctive swirls rising from it. The potions smells different to everyone."

"Very good. Five points to Gryffindor." Slughorn continued, blabbing on about the potion until finally passing out the ingredients.

Remus was bored. He was busy staring at Sirius, who was doodling in his spell book, his tounge sticking out of his mouth in concentration.

Sirius grinned and held up his drawing proudly, showing Remus. It was a surprisingly good sketch of Remus, smiling slightly and raising his eyebrows with his light freckles smattering across his face.

Snape threw the ingredients on the wooden table in front of Sirius and Remus, scowling at them as he passed.

"Instructions are on the board. Best potion gets twenty points to that house!" Slughorn announced as the students bustled around him.

Remus looked up at the board, confused.

"Er. Okay. So it says you start with two ground up Gurdyroots..."

Sirius was busy making another spectacular sketch of Remus.

"Focus, Black." Remus smirked.

"I am focusing. On you." Sirius looked up and gave Remus a soft smile.

Remus was flustered, and turned away quickly, blushing.

Sirius silently handed him the ingredients, one by one.

"Why does it smell like chocolate?" Remus sniffed the cauldron warily. "And..."

Remus glanced over at Sirius as the other boy bent down to smell it too. He wasn't wearing his leather jacket, so why did it smell like it? A mix of colonge, firewhiskey, nail polish, and dog fur. Exactly Sirius Black's scent.

"You're right, it does smell like chocolate!" Sirius exclaimed. "There's something else, though. Remus, did you just smoke? Oh, and old books?"

Remus squinted up at the board through the swirls coming from their potion, trying to see the name.

"Hey, it sort of smells like you, Moony! Old books, chocolate, cigarettes... maybe you're standing too close to it, mate, because that's all I can smell." Sirius said, putting his face closer to the large cauldron and his hair threatening to touch the silvery liquid inside.

Remus inhaled sharply as he finally peered through the smoke and vapors of the classroom and read the board.

"Amortentia. No wonder I smelled... chocolate."

"Smells like Remus to you, Sirius?" Marlene smirked, and exchanged a meaningful glance with Dorcas. "Interesting."


"You know, I heard that Hufflepuff is having a party tonight. We were invited." James said as he let his Snitch fly up in the air and caught it again.

"We were?" Peter asked, surprised.

"Well. Remus was invited. So can we go, Moony?" James pleaded, sitting up from the sofa.

"Rules say we can't be out of the dormitory after hours. McGonagall changed it after the entire 'out of bed' thing we did." Remus replied, turning the page to his spell book as he read.

"We can sneak there. We use the invisibility cloak, and the marauders map, and we're practically gods!" Sirius announced, jumping up and grabbing the cloak.

"Fine. But only because Abbott promised he would roll me a joint. They have some completely insane smokers over there, you know." Remus smiled, knowing it would make his friends even more excited even though none of them smoked.

Sirius tried to smoke with Remus often, but he always ended up coughing for half the night, so he didn't count.

They set off together to the Hufflepuff common room, giggling under the cloak because Sirius kept changing into his dog form and back beside them.

Apparently, Remus wasn't paying enough attention to the map, because McGonagall appeared out of nowhere as Sirius changed into his human form.

Sirius did a sort of half step towards the invisibility cloak, but it was too late, and she had already seen him.

James pulled the cloak off of the group sheepishly as the professor glared at them.

"And what is your excuse now, boys? What do you have to say for yourselves?" She snapped, raising her thin eyebrows.

It was silent for a moment, then Sirius spoke.

"Minerva McGonagall! What do you think you're doing out this late?!" Sirius scolded, his hands on his hips.

"Wh-" the professor started, confused.

"We were worried sick, Minnie!" James added, faking a scared face. "You could have been dying!"

Remus fought back his laughter as he watched her face morph from confused to shock to anger.

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the wizarding world, boys, and I am perfectly capable of walking around a school by myself." McGonagall said sharply, coming back from her confusion.

"Exactly why we should be allowed to simply take a stroll over to the Hufflepuff common rooms, professor." Remus said quickly, grinning.

Everyone's jaws dropped. Remus knew that none of them were expecting Remus to back his friends up. In fact, he himself wasn't even expecting it.

Remus thought he saw a flicker of a smile on McGonagall's thin face.

"Very well. Five points from Gryffindor for being out this late. Ten points to Gryffindor for pure logic, Mr. Lupin. Now run along."

The marauders exchanged gleeful glances, not believing it worked as they ran along the corridors on the way to the party.


Remus wasn't sure if he was drunk or high or both or either. All he knew was that Hufflepuff parties were the greatest thing he had ever known.

They were on their way back to their own common room, shushing each other loudly and stumbling over their feet, laughing.

When they got back, they all collapsed onto the sofa in their dormitory, talking and giggling loudly about nonsense.

"It's a full moon tomorrow! I hate the moon! It's the moon's fault that I'm a bloody werewolf." Remus groaned.

"Yeah! Fuck the moon! We should get rid of it!" Sirius cheered.

"Yes! We should...blow it up!" James shouted. "No more werewolf if there's no more moon!"

Peter mimicked an explosion sound, laughing weakly after and immediately falling asleep.

"Blow up the moon! Blow up the moon!" Sirius chanted.

James joined in, looking out the window and pretending to punch the moon.

Remus decided he liked being whatever he was, drunk or high or both or neither.

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