Chapter 13

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Remus stumbled off the train as he did last year, this time somehow managing to fall into James and Sirius at the same time.

"Sorry, sorry!"

"Did that same thing last year, didn't you, Re?" Sirius smirked.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"You apologize too much, Lupin."

That was the first time Remus had ever heard Sirius say his last name. He felt the nervous feeling in his stomach. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not, so he decided not to acknowledge it at all, instead replying with a:

"Shut it, Black."

"You two bicker like an old married couple," James said, shaking his head and grinning.

"Not true, Jamie! At least if we were married, we would be calling each other the same last name!" Sirius stuck his tounge out at James.

Remus couldn't take the funny feeling anymore. He didn't know what to do, however.

"I think I'm going to be sick." And Remus barfed in the horse less carriage they were taking up to the castle.



"Boooo!! She was obviously a Ravenclaw, you mental hat, didn't you see the glasses?!" Sirius called out in the middle of the ceremony.

"No, she was a Hufflepuff! You're forgetting the freckles!" James shouted louder, getting disapproving looks from all those around him.


"Oh come on! You all saw his walk, he's Gryffindor to the core!!" James yelled louder still.

"Bloody hell! Can't you get anything right, hat?! An obvious Slytherin, by the looks of it!" Sirius screamed, this time attracting the attention of the teachers.

Remus and Peter were holding their sides, trying not to laugh hysterically.


"Finally someone we agree on, this guy needs to take a griffin out the door! A squib, quite obvious! He looks just like ol' Filchy!" Sirius cackled.

"No, no, you've got it all wrong, he's a  Slytherin! He has the same slimy hair as Snivellous!" James laughed loudly.

Remus was nearly at tears now from how much he was laughing. Peter looked not much different.

The booing the Sorting Hat only stopped once McGonagall heard them, and threatened detention for as long as they lived.

Once they walked up to the dormitory, James, Peter, and Sirius had somehow figured out they had all gotten full marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

James and Sirius were a little confused, but weren't too worried about it. Peter, on the other hand, was insanely worried he had gotten someone else's scores.

"Should I tell McGonagall? What if she yells at me? What if I actually failed it all?" Peter paced the room, not unlike Sirius was doing at the end of the year last year.

Peter paced late into the night, no matter how much James told him it was alright. Finally, when Peter tripped over his trunk loudly in the dead of night, Remus snapped.

"I had the professor change the scores, alright? He offered me to have full marks all the way until fourth year, but I refused and told him to give full marks to you! To all of you! Sirius, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, and Marlene, I told him! I'm sorry you hate me for helping you!"

Peter was a little slow on what Remus had just said.

"He gave you full marks until fourth year?"

Remus huffed and laid back down in bed.

"Wait! You told him to give us all full marks?"

At this point, James had woken up. Sirius, being the incredibly deep sleeper he was, hadn't even moved.

"What's going on?" James said stupidly, reaching blindly for his glasses.

"Remus faked all our grades! He told the professor to change them until fourth year!" Peter squeaked, pointing accusingly at Remus.

It enraged Remus to see Peter blaming it on him, and especially since he got the story so wrong.

"Is that true, Remus?" James looked at Remus solemnly.

"Well-no! Not really!"

James drew back. "Not really?"

"I-I mean yes, kind of-"



"That's low, Remus. Can't let us think for ourselves anymore?"

James didn't usually say things like that, so when he did, it was almost like a physical blow. In fact, Remus wished James had punched him instead of being disappointed in Remus.

Remus felt like a small child, getting scolded by the big adults.

Remus didn't know what to say to make it better, so he went to sleep, and hoped it was just a nightmare.


It wasn't a nightmare. James had told Sirius, and both of their huge egos collapsed. Peter was just offended because James was offended, and was actually thankful Remus changed the grades. Peter would have gotten a "Poor" in Defense Against the Dark Arts, which his mother would not have been happy about.

His friends weren't speaking to him anymore, which was incredibly hard to pull off considering they practically shared lives. All the same classes, the same eating table, the same dormitory. Once James had come close to taking to Remus, but Sirius had pulled him away, glaring at Remus like he had just killed Sirius's owl.

To make matters worse, a full moon was coming up, and Remus's life seemed like it was just unraveling by the minute.


Dear Sirius and James (and Peter, I guess?)- I'm truly sorry for changing the grades. I didn't mean it in a bad way at all, I just didn't want an 'Outstanding' every year until fifth year without earning it. The professor only gave me the chance because I defeated a boggart instead of listening to instructions and doing the written test. Again, I'm really absolutely sorry. Your friend, Remus Lupin.

P.S. I am not feeling well and I will probably be in the hospital wing later so don't come looking for me.

Remus's friends didn't care he was in the hospital wing, they just wanted this fight to be over so they could go back to old times.

So they bursted into the hospital wing door.

"Reeeemus! We officially forgive you!" Sirius grinned, glancing around.

Remus wasn't there. In fact, Remus wasn't in the castle. He was creeping through an underground passage to a small little shack.

(Oh yeah btw I didn't know who their DADA teacher was so I just kept saying 'professor' lol x)

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