Chapter 25

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The quidditch game was, all in all, loud. Not only the noise, but the colors and smells. The wolf was confused, and everything was giving Remus a headache.

Aside from that, he mildly enjoyed it. James was incredible, although he bragged quite a bit afterwards. During the match, he kept shooting glances at Lily ad ruffling his already messy windswept hair.

"Someone needs to shrink his ego." Sirius grumbled as James did a victory lap around the pitch.

"And that's coming from the Gryffindor drama queen herself." Remus smirked.

"Shut it."

"He's right, you know." A snide voice behind them said.

They turned.

"Snivellous." Sirius said with hatred in his voice. "And my dear brother Reggie. I'd have thought you would have found at least better looking mates than this, Reg."

Regulus and Snape sneered at him.

"Potter is a bit full of himself, I agree." Snape said greasily. "He seems to think Lily would ever be interested in him."

"They're friends, aren't they, Snivellous?" Peter said, glaring.

"I mean more than that, Pettigrew." Snape spit.

"As always, Snape, you only know half of what we know." Remus said flatly. "They happen to be good friends, and if I know James they'll be dating by fourth year. You're completely mental if you think Lily would ever be interested in you, however."

Snape took a step back in shock.

"It's not like I'd ever want to date that mudblood!" Snape said defensively.

Regulus grimaced at the word, and Remus had to hold Sirius back from pouncing on Snape.

"You- you-" Sirius stuttered.

What exactly Snape was, Remus never found out. James landed down, his smile gone from his pink face once he saw the slimy boy in front of them.

"Snivellous. Come to save Lily from the clutches of Godric Gryffindor?" James grinned, hatred spread across his face.

"No, we were just discussing how you have much too big an ego." Regulus finally spoke up.

"Who's this?" James said, slightly thrown off by the resemblance of Sirius and Regulus.

"Just ol' Reggie. Ignore him." Sirius said flatly.

"Don't have the looks of your brother, do you?" James teased, although his cheeks were pinker than when he landed.

"Less scars, for sure." Regulus drawled, also looking slightly pink in his pale face.

"Speaking of scars, Moony, where do you disappear off to every month?" Snape said evily, making Remus's heart pound nervously.

Sirius was done with talking. He wanted to fight. James saw Sirius grab his wand out of his pocket, and he pushed Regulus out of the way.

A flash of light, and Snape was hanging upside down mid air.

"You-!" Snape sputtered, struggling to keep his robes below his head.

Remus muttered the reverse incantation, and grabbed both Sirius and James, pulling them away from the scene.

"He knows. He knows." Remus kept repeating that night, twisting his hands together anxiously.

"No, he can't know. We barely have any classes with him, only Potions. How could he know you disappear every full moon?" Peter said, trying to calm Remus down but looking equally terrified.

"Nevermind that, he said mudblood! We've got to tell Lily!" Sirius said angrily.

"He-he said that? Wow." James said, stricken. "We can't tell Lily, though. She really values their friendship."

"What's wrong with you, mate? Snape's probably getting in the way of you dating!" Sirius said, confused.

"I know. But I would feel bad."

Remus was surprised. He thought James would go to any length to date Lily, but he seemed to really care about what she valued and wanted.

"It was probably just a mistake anyway." James continued.

Sirius and Peter's jaws were to the floor.

"Let it go, guys. If he wants to tell Lily, he will." Remus said as James gave him a grateful smile.


The night smelled too much like humans, Remus assumed as he looked through a huge hole in the shack's wall.

Remus thought he would know if anything bad had happened, yet he had a huge gash on his face that he knew wasn't from his own claws.

"Another werewolf." Madam Pomfrey said, amazed as she dabbed his face with a damp wash cloth. "That's what the gash is from. I didn't even know there were others in the area."

Remus was frightened. If, when the wolf smelled another of its kind, it busted a hole through the hard wood just to join it, who knew what would happen if there were more.

And who knew why the other wolf had scratched him? Had they fought? Were they simply just playing?

This scar on his face was much more noticeable than the others, and being a deep cut, it wouldn't heal on its own. It was red against his pale skin. Everyone would wonder what had happened when they looked at him.

Remus pulled a jumper over his head and set off to Gryffindor Tower, avoiding anyone that was already coming down for breakfast.

He was incredibly hungry, as always, but he needed to tell the other marauders what had happened. Somehow he had to do it without showing his new scar.

Sirius was already up, of course, bouncing on his heels and looking as though he had slept less than Remus had.

"Why are you hiding your face?" Was the greeting Sirius chose that morning.

"Hello to you as well."

"Let me see your face."


"Remus! What happened?" Sirius grasped Remus and pulled him towards him quickly.

Remus was frozen, his breath caught in his throat. Their faces were less than two inches away, their noses almost grazing.

"I-I got another scar. On my face." Remus gasped out.

"Oh! No wonder you look cooler than normal." Sirius grinned and stepped back, staring into Remus's eyes.

Remus smiled, no longer worried. Something about those ocean eyes always put him at ease.

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