Chapter 16

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James and Sirius were the epitome of annoying during breakfast. They glared at each other from across the table, occasionally "accidentally" kicking the other underneath.

Remus was just glad they weren't verbally fighting, because their games of footsie were easy to ignore. He wasn't sure why James was so mad, aside from the fact that Sirius was much too young to be drinking. But Remus didn't know why it bothered James so much.

Both James and Sirius would rant seperately to him and Peter. Peter liked being caught up in the drama, and usually tried to offer advice that ended up being turned down by the ranter.

Remus, on the other hand, didn't want any part in it. Any time Sirius and James tried talking to him about it, he would just answer dryly with a "Mhm." or a "Right."

Eventually, the ranter would give up talking to him and go and find Peter to talk to.

Remus wasn't sure why birthdays even existed anymore, if afterwards it made everyone want to bicker constantly.

The stupid fight finally came to a halt once the full moon came. Sirius had been planning out each full moon for at least thirty years.

Remus stood there helplessly in the middle of the dormitory, as his friends rushed around trying to help Remus in some way.

"Honestly, mates, there's nothing you can do except be fine with the problem." Remus would try to explain, but get shut down by James or Sirius or Peter.

"Nonsense, Lupin! I'm sure the least we can do is get you loads of chocolate." Peter grinned.

Remus chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so."

Sirius was now running around the dorm, screaming "MOO-NY! MOO-NY! MOO-NY!" into his microphone, in a very loud impersonation of a siren with Remus's nickname.

Remus sighed. "I'm going to head to the hospital wing now."

Sirius gasped dramatically, clutching his heart. Remus's ears were ringing from the siren.

"Without us?!?"

"You all shouldn't come, you'd just be sitting in the hospital wing all night."

"We'll be fine. You, on the other hand, will not." James said with a worried face.

"I'll be okay. I've been doing this since I was five." Remus rolled his eyes. Could they just leave him alone?

"Since you were FIVE?!" Sirius's jaw dropped.

"Yeah. Got bit by Greyback himself, Dumbledore told me." Remus sighed yet again. "He likes to go after children. Get 'em when they're young, I guess."

"GREYBACK HIMSELF?!" Sirius repeated after Remus. "That's it, we need to come! Come on, let's go, mates!"

Remus was tired of arguing with them about this. He was already late to meet Madam Pomfrey, and he could already feel the wolf inside him getting excited to rip and tear again.

"Alright, alright! I give up. Come with me and be bored."


Remus knew he was being risky walking to the shack with Madam Pomfrey so late. The wolf could smell her well, and was clawing to get out. Remus had to force the feeling down.

"I think you'd better go, Madam Pomfrey." Remus said, groaning as the wolf tried to howl at the moon. "Sorry, I got here late and it's coming now."

Madam Pomfrey sent him a now familiar pitying look, then hurried off back towards the castle, and left Remus to scramble down the entrance of the Whomping Willow. He tried to resist the transformation, but it came faster than ever while he was still in the tunnel.

Remus screamed loudly through his teeth, trying to hold in his shrieks. The wolf clawed its way out slowly, taking its time and enjoying Remus's pain. The wolf fed on pain, and enjoyed the transformations as much as Remus hated them.

The wolf snarled and took in its surroundings. It could smell the shack down the tunnel, with its hard wood and familiar furniture.

Remus took a deep breath in, and caught a familiar whiff of his friends. The wolf turned, growling softly. He could smell them, but not see them. The wolf was confused, and Remus was fighting to keep his mind to figure it out as well.

The wolf sniffed around, and found a particular spot where it was strongest. Remus's snout was inches away from his friends. Little did he know that they were frozen in terror, unsure what to do.

Remus took a deep breath in of Sirius's cologne.

Remus's last thought before the full transformation of the wolf was, "The Invisibility Cloak!"

And then the wolf took over.

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