Chapter 79

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*Happy Holidays, readers! In honor of the season, a holiday fanart :) ^^*

"Remus, you're playing with your hands again. What's wrong?" Sirius's soothing voice drifted from across the dorm room, forcing Remus to tear his eyes away from his book.

He looked up, meeting Sirius's eyes. Even now, in the dim lighting of late afternoon, he could see tiny specks of grey in his bright eyes.

When he had first met Regulus, the younger boy's eyes were a dull grey, as though they had had the life sucked out of them. Remus hoped he would never see Sirius like that. However, each time he got a letter from his mother, the grey became more prominent.

They were still beautiful, as they would always be, no matter what, and still magnificent in their own incredibly unique way as ocean eyes, but they hurt Remus's heart. What if they became completely grey one day? What if there was no turning back?

"Remus? Tell me what's wrong."

Sirius's voice jolted him from his thoughts once more, bringing him back to reality.

"Sorry. It's just that-"

"Don't apologize."

"Right. I need to stop doing that. Sorr- I mean. It's just that James just told me that he can't be there for the next full moon because he's going out with Lily. And get this- he wanted Pete and you to come, too, with your own dates. For a triple date."

"What an absolute wanker. I'm sorry, Moony, he's being terrible. But you know I wouldn't leave you on a full moon for anything. And even if I did go, my date couldn't come."

Remus concealed his blushing smile. He was quickly realizing how much he loved this boy.

"I don't give a flying fuck if James can come. I can manage on my own. And you should go. I don't need you." He replied, not meaning any of the words spewing out of his mouth.

Sirius laughed. "Moony, you give so many flying fucks that the man on the moon can see them from space! It's okay to admit that you need help."

Remus could feel tears at the corners of his eyes, and he wiped them away hurriedly.

"Since when are you a damn therapist?"

"That's insulting. I've never met a therapist as smoking hot as me, don't you think?"

"Oh, feed your own ego, Black." Remus said hungrily, eyeing his boyfriend, who was now creeping closer.

"I'd say we have about ten minutes before Peter walks through that door to grab his History of Magic book." Sirius said, ripping off his tie.

"Done in eight, then?"

"Sounds good to me."


"Godric, do you even sleep anymore, either of you? You're both so tired all the time. And look, Moony has got dark circles constantly." As James fussed about their lack of sleep, Sirius and Remus exchanged glances, glad their rushed silencing charm had worked.

"James, if it makes you happy, I'll schedule a nap for next Thursday, how does that sound?"

Remus suppressed a grin as James glared back at him in response.

"So, Pads-"

"Before you ask, I will absolutely not go on a triple date with you. I'm not leaving Remus alone." Sirius placed his hands on his hips defiantly.

"But he said it was fine, and-"

"Of course he said it was fine! He's Remus fucking Lupin! He thinks nobody cares about him, but really, I- ahem, we all love him! And so does everyone else!"

Remus looked away awkwardly, trying not to catch Peter's eye, who was clutching his parchment and quill, trying to study for a small exam they had that day, but instead staring at the argument with wide eyes.

"Of course we care, but that doesn't mean he gets to run our lives for us!" James shouted.

"Fine! I'll go! And when the wolf is alone during his transformation, Remus will just get a couple more scars, right? No big deal!" Sirius bellowed sarcastically.

"That's not what I'm saying! He can handle himself!"

They both turned towards him suddenly, waiting for a say on the matter.

"To be quite honest, I can handle myself. I'll be fine." Remus said, unsure. In reality, he actually had no idea if he could. He hadn't had a full moon alone in a while. "But, uh, you both can figure it out."

Sirius was giving him the death stare from behind James, but he quickly switched back to neutral when he turned back to look at him.

"Great! You heard the man, he can do it! Now you'd better get a date ready, Padfoot, full moon is only in a couple days."

Sirius let out a minuscule groan that only Remus could hear before retreating back into bed.

"Good luck." He whispered under his breath, pulling a pitiful face.

"You too."


Madame Pomfrey always braced herself for the worst whenever she entered the shack after a full moon. But lately, Remus had been doing much better. In fact, the last few years have been a little bumpy, but not nearly as bad as his first years at Hogwarts.

She assumed it was because of the familiarity of the place to the wolf. It had now explored the entire house and was comfortable with its surroundings. Remus was doing great. So she forgot to brace herself.

She walked in humming, expecting to find a boy with maybe a few bruises along his side, but still strong and smiling, waiting for her arrival. Her merriness came to an abrupt halt as she took a look at the scene.

Remus Lupin was on the floor of the shack, lying in a pool of his own dark red blood. Massive cuts lined his body, criss-crossing in every direction.

"Remus!" The nurse shrieked, rushing to his side.

He didn't move. His eyes were closed. He wasn't making a sound.

She knelt down next to him, blood seeping into her skirt, but she didn't care. Madame Pomfrey quickly held his floppy wrist, checking the boy's pulse. Her heart dropped for a split second.

There was a pulse. It was a small, weak one, barely reaching his heart, but it was there.

"Wingardium Leviosa." She whispered, her wand shaking in her hand.

His limp body flew upwards, almost hitting the ceiling.

"Fiddlesticks!" She cried before lowering him slowly. "Come on, Lupin, you've got to make it through."

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