Chapter 63

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"I'm bored."

"I see. What do you want me to do about that?"

Remus looked over the top of his book, amused. Sirius was lounging upside down across the back of the armchair in the common room. Sirius's dark curls hung loosely, splaying out on the cushion beneath him.

"Take me out." Sirius replied pointedly.

"Take you out?" Remus's heart rate quickened slightly. Remus scolded himself internally. He needed to stop making everything Sirius said into something it wasn't.

"Hogsmeade this evening? Pete and Dorcas are studying with Lily, and James and Marlene have detention. Mary's going with her new boyfriend." Sirius said, counting off their friends on his fingers.

"Fine. But you have to buy me some chocolate." Remus said with a grin.

"Great, it's a date."

Remus looked up quickly, watching Sirius's face with a surprised look on his own complexion. Sirius could be so bloody confusing sometimes.

Sirius slid down the chair more, rolling out of it and standing up, shaking his hair out of his face gorgeously.

"Can we go now instead, Re? Most people are already going down." Sirius said, looking out the window and watching a stream of students make their way to Hogsmeade from the grounds.

"Just one more chapter?" Remus begged, turning the yellowed page hurriedly.

"You've read that book before, Remus, you already know how it ends." Sirius said with a warm smile.

"It's an entire different experience every time, Padfoot. You wouldn't understand." Remus said, placing his red silk bookmark carefully in between the thin pages.

Sirius grabbed Remus's hand, pulling him excitedly out of the common room and into the corridor. He dragged Remus all the way down to the large oak doors that stood at the entrance to the school, making Remus flush at the extended contact.

Sirius seemed so fine with holding hands that it wasn't awkward at all. In fact, Remus felt perfectly at home as they walked together towards Hogsmeade, their arms swinging in synch as they clasped hands.

Remus felt his scars brush against Sirius's soft hands and pulled away, embarrassed.

"Sorry. My scars." He said shortly, not meeting Sirius's eyes.

"Remus Lupin."


Remus turned to look at Sirius with pain in his eyes. The only person he really ever loved, and he was worried about his fucking scars again. What was wrong with him?

"Your scars are perfectly perfect."


"Remus Lupin!"

He quieted, ashamed.

"I have things I don't like about myself, too. But it's alright. I know I'm perfect in my own way. And so should you." Sirius said softly, locking eyes with Remus.

"Sirius, I-"

"Remus. Lupin."


"I will never truly love my own imperfections. But I will never stop loving yours."

Sirius stood staring at Remus for a couple more seconds before continuing to walk down the path.

Remus watched him walk with the small village in the near distance, students bustling between shops. He would repeat those very words in his head that Sirius Black had said for the rest of his life.

"I will never truly love my own imperfections. But I will never stop loving yours."

Remus thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard anyone say.


"If you boys don't stop talking I'm going to seperate you!" McGonagall snapped as Sirius whispered yet another joke, making the group break out in giggles.

"Minnie, I'm so sorry. Please continue." Sirius said with an overly wide grin.

"Thank you, Sirius. Alright, so as I was saying- THAT'S IT!" The professor cast a silencing spell over the classroom, making their chuckles muted, and made the friends sit in different places in the room.

Sirius was moved to near Marlene, and continued his conversation like it had never stopped, which resulted in him being sat next to McGonagall.

That wouldn't stop Sirius Black. He kept talking with a huge smile on his perfect face, conversing happily with the air.

"He's mad." Lily said, shaking her head. "Completely mental."

"True. But also completely brilliant." Remus replied back, laughing.

McGonagall, who had waved the class out of the room tiredly, no doubt with an enormous headache, shut the door loudly behind them.

"Thanks for the free period, Black! I owe you one!" Marlene called, rushing back to the dorm to finish her essay.

Remus smiled slowly. "You did that to help Marlene?"

"You don't have to sound so surprised." Sirius scoffed with a small grin. "I'm not evil."

"I know that, Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes. "Although you may have seemed evil to poor McGonagall."

"Who, Minnie?" Sirius faked a surprised face. "No, I'm quite sure she loves me."

"I'm her favorite marauder!" James lied proudly.

"If she had a favorite, it'd be me." Remus said, grinning.

"Oh, shut it, Lupin. We all know you're not as innocent as you seem." Sirius glared playfully.

Remus shoved Sirius, laughing as he ran away from his friend's reach in order to not get shoved back.

"I'll get you someday, Re! Bloody long legs..." Sirius muttered as he chased Remus.

He turned into his dog form, running after his friend excitedly with his pink tounge handing out of his mouth happily.

"Hey, not fair!" Remus chuckled as Padfoot caught up to him, jumping and licking his face, just as Sirius's patronus had done.

Sirius morphed back, shaking his dark hair out of his startlingly beautiful eyes.

Remus's heart beat faster. They were standing only inches apart, his eyes fixed on the other man's.

They both smiled for a second, forgetting the others were watching. Whenever their eyes met, the moment felt like it was frozen in time. Remus felt safe when he looked into Sirius's eyes. As though nothing could ever go wrong.

"Um. Sorry." Remus shook his head, drawing back.

Sirius gave a slight nod, tearing his eyes away from Remus's.

"Race you to the dormitory, James!" Sirius called over his shoulder, switching back into his dog form and racing away.

"Not if I race you first!" James shrieked, sprinting down the corridor at full speed.

Remus gave a half smile. There was something about Sirius that always made him happy. Just something about Sirius Black.

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