Chapter 84

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*I'm sorry if this chapter is a little thrown out there, I'm trying to get over my writers block so this is just me writing after a while :)*

Remus had a boyfriend. Sirius Black was his boyfriend. But nobody knew.

Wasn't the point of relationships that people were envious of you? No. And yet Remus wanted people to know.

People needed to know that he snogs Sirius Black. People needed to know that he shags Sirius Black. People needed to know he loves Sirius Black.

Did they know?

Sirius was in Remus's lap, both in a cushy armchair by the fireplace. Remus was absent-mindlessly stroking Sirius's hair. Everyone was there. Nobody seemed to notice, and if they did, nobody seemed to care.

Maybe because it was nearing three in the morning and they were all a bit drunk on butterbeer and the holidays, but Sirius and him were cuddling in plain sight.

But everyone was loopy and drunk and happy and cheerful and Remus couldn't tell, but Peter looked a bit high.

But eventually their brains got the better of them, and Sirius shifted so that he was sitting next to James.

He wouldn't admit it, but he liked watching Remus read. Especially romance novels. At the moment, he was reading an extremely long book about something Sirius didn't know.

But it must have been a romance novel, because there was a small blush creeping up Remus's cheeks as he read, and his lips curled upwards ever so slightly.

He looked so pretty. Sirius must have been staring, because the next thing he knew, James was waving a hand in front of his face and looking confused.

"Sirius? Mate, are you okay?"

He didn't respond at first. It was more of an automatic reaction after a few seconds, but he didn't regret it. Not one bit.

"I'm so in love with him, Prongs."

He bit his lip to keep himself from smiling as he continued to stare at Remus, who was now wide-eyed at whatever was happening on the pages.

But that was when he realized James was silent. He looked over quickly, expecting the worst, but James was smiling.

"Well, Happy Christmas to me."


"Did you really think we wouldn't notice, Pads?" Peter laughed.

Sirius glanced over at Remus, but he was still engrossed in the book.

"Erm- so you're all okay with it? With us dating?"

At this Remus looked up, realizing the conversation.

"Oh! They know?"

The two boys looked at each other for a moment, and it was silent. Everyone else was nervous, finding the solid eye contact hard to watch.

But their faces said it all. They were thrilled.

"So it really is alright?" Remus put down his book and crossed his legs on the sofa.

"Hmm. Well, I think you'd make a cute couple, but-" Lily started.

"But what?!" Sirius said defensively.

"And we have been trying to get you together forever-" Marlene added.

"Good, then it's alright?" Remus asked hopefully.

"Well, he can be a bit over dramatic." Peter said, gesturing towards Sirius.

"Excuse me, Pete, but I am the perfect level of-!"

"You could do better, Re." James shrugged.

"Even you, James?!" Sirius shrieked.

Remus laughed, and Sirius's heart melted. They were joking. Of course.

And now they were out. In the open. Who knew that a werewolf and a blood traitor, both boys, would be able to date?

Remus went to bed with a smile on his brutally scarred face, feeling truly happy.


"Psst. Remus! Moony! Wake up, Re."

He blinked his eyes open to find Sirius whispering to him worriedly.

"What's wrong?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Do you remember yesterday?" Sirius said in a sort of whisper-yell. "Last night in particular?"

Remus thought for a moment, shaking his hair out of his face and trying to overcome his tiredness.

"Oh, right. So they all know now." He said softly, looking up into Sirius's eyes. In the morning light they matched the sky perfectly.

"Ah. So it did happen." Sirius sat back on his heels.

"Is that okay with you?" Remus asked hurriedly, wondering for a split second if he would have to perform memory wipe charms on all his friends. To be fair, it wouldn't be the first time.

"Of course. But it was utterly stupid of me." Sirius said with a small smile.

After a pause, Remus chuckled. "If you're waiting for me to disagree with you, it's going to be a long day."

"You fucker." Sirius laughed and gave him a playful shove.

James opened the curtains with his hands clasped over his eyes.

"Are both of you decent? I support you, but I'm not ready to see you fucking yet."

"Yet?" Remus grinned and flung a pillow at James's face.

"Oi! Prongs! Have something to explain?" Sirius tackled James to the ground. "What do you mean by yet, you wanker?"

"Slip of the tongue, I swear!" James said, wide eyed. He smiled once he realized they were joking, his eyes crinkling at the sides.

The two friends started wrestling, waking Peter, who quickly joined. It was impressive how fast he could pin both Sirius and James to the ground.

Remus rolled his eyes playfully and rolled out of bed to brush his teeth.

He stared at himself in the mirror. He looked different, somehow.

He still had his scars lining his face, his freckles were still barely visible in the early morning light. His old white t-shirt he wore to bed frequently was still as battered as ever. But Remus wasn't just Remus anymore.

He was also Sirius Black's boyfriend. He had a boyfriend. And people knew.

Remus smiled to himself.

People knew.

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