Chapter 59

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Remus snores loudly. You wouldn't think he does, looking at him, but he's the loudest out of any of us.

I stare at him longingly. I feel like I've been dropping hints to him since forever, but he's so thick he needs me to actually marry him to get it.

There's a stream of light coming in from the window next to his bed, illuminating his golden curls and freckled face. His freckles are light, and across his pinkish cheeks, unlike Lily, who has freckles all over her pale face. God, that girl can be annoying.

Remus's long eyelashes flutter open slightly, revealing his honey eyes. His honey eyes never fail to entrance me, ever since first year.

When the sunlight hits his eyes, my heart skips a beat. How can he not know he's so gorgeous?

"Morning, Black." He says, grinning at me from his bed. God, his smile. What's wrong with me?

"Morning. I was just wondering-" Whether to kiss you, whether to hold you in my arms and smile into your golden curls, whether to stare into your honey eyes for all eternity. "-if I should wake you. James and Peter already went down to the quidditch pitch."

Whenever I talk, I sound stupid. He, on the other had, sounds like a god damn angel brought down from Heaven itself.

"Glad you didn't wake me up. I would have bitten your head off, probably." He stretches, showing off his scarred stomach under his red pajamas, and stands up from the bed, making eye contact with those dazzling honey eyes.

I suppress the urge to throw him back down on the bed, kissing those pink lips and loving him until I can't any more.

"We should meet them down there, then." Remus smiles softly. My heart melts. If only Mother could see me now, obsessing over a boy. A gorgeous, golden haired, honey eyed, pink lipped, freckled face, scarred boy.

As we walk, Remus tries to hide his most recent scars from me. But I notice. I always notice. The scars only make him look more gorgeous, and he's just so strong and gentle at the same time. I realize I'm staring, and glance away quickly.

Not that he'd notice. I've been staring at his honey eyes since first year and he hasn't noticed. God, does he even know I exist apart from being his annoying friend with the long hair?

"Remus." I say, my heart stopping and pounding hard against my chest at the same time. "I need to tell you something."

"Good, I need to tell you something too." He smiles.

"Mine will surprise you." I say, cringing at my stupid choice of words.

"So will mine." He says, his eyes sparkling.

"You go first." I say. I hope I don't chicken out. How can he be so brave? He just says things like it is.

"Alright... I-I'm in love with you." At first I think I'm the one that said it to him. My jaw drops open. My insides are squirming about, trying to send signals to my brain that my brain just won't take. "You don't have to answer, I know you don't feel the same, but I just thought I'd have to tell you at some point. So. Yeah."

"I'm in love with you, too." I blurt out. I don't know what I'm doing. I never do. Remus has it all put together, his whole life planned, and yet he wants me, the mess that I am.

"You are?" He says, taking a step back. He looks surprised. God, he's so dense. I love that boy.

"Yes! God, I've been trying to drop hints forever now! I love your golden hair, the way it curls when it's wet then dries, I love your scars, how they frame your face so perfectly, I love your lips, they're so perfect and pink, and I love your freckles, they line your cheeks like stars in the sky, and bloody fucking hell, Lupin, I love your honey eyes, how when the sun hits them they sparkle, and how they merge colors from brown to yellow to orange, I love you all, I love you all, I love all of you!" Tears are streaming down my face, and I hate crying, because Mother always told me that men don't cry, but I don't care because Remus Lupin looks so bloody perfect right now.

And all of a sudden I'm leaning in, and we're kissing, and it's like the first time but better, and all I can think is "Oh my god I'm kissing Remus fucking Lupin."

I know I've done it before, but he loves me. And I love him. So it's better. Better than all the other times combined. And I know I'll never love anyone else again because of the man in front of me. Because he's perfect. He's just mine. Not anyone else's. Just mine.

The angel that he is.

And I don't even remember the rest.

*This chapter is dedicated to PadfootMoonyBlupin. Here's the declaration of love, hope you like it :)*

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