"Rika..." Takato whispered.

Suddenly Rika stopped before take a deep breaths. Black stared at her closely before noticing something. Suddenly a red visible glob start coming out of Rika's body. The red glob start to cloak her whole body and formed a shape of a fox.

"What now?" Ryo asked. Rika's hair flow through the red cloak before going all fours. Rika started to growl as she glare at the Cyclonemon. Rika roar that send a shockwave in her surrounding.

"RAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rika roared before charging towards the Cyclonemon. She raised her cloak claw fist and slash the Cyclonemon. Cyclonemon try to attack her but before they touch her Rika always dodge it and attack and destroy them instead.

"Fascinating! What an amazing power! You Rika Nonaka are the greatest creation that have ever made!" Black said while staring at her. Rika gave a mighty roar before all the Cyclonemon destroy one by one. As soon all the Cyclonemon is gone Rika stop to move but still growling.

"She... She destroy the Cyclonemon... All of them!" Kazu gasped.

"What happened to Rika and where the heck did she get this power?" Ryo gasped.

"Rika...?" Takato call. Takato's voice caught Rika's attention and she slowly turn her head to them. She start to turning around her whole body to them while she still have a monsterous glare in her eyes. The Tamers start to get afraid when suddenly Kyubbimon step in front.

"Rika... Are you okay? Did you get hu-"


Kyubbimon didn't even finish her sentence when suddenly Rika smack her in her spot that send her away to the building.

"Kyubbimon!!!" They all gasped while witnessing how Rika attack her own partner.

"Rika! What the heck! Why did you do that?!" Kazu shouted at her.

"Kazu stay back!" Henry warn.

"Huh?" Kazu asked before looking at Henry.

"Based on how she looking at us right now. She doesn't recognize any of us." Henry explained while looking at Rika's beast expression.

"Rika..." Kyubbimon gasped while looking at her.

"RAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Rika growled. At Cyberdramon growl back at her then suddenly charged at her for Ryo's shock.

"Wait Cyberdramon don't! You might hurt her!!" Ryo shouted but Cyberdramon ignore him.

"Desolation Claw!" Cyberdramon shouted then charge a destructive white energy to Rika. His attacks hit Rika that make an explosion.

"Oh no! Rika!" Takato gasped.

"Ryo! Stop Cyberdramon now!" Jeri shouted.

"Cyberdramon stand back!" Ryo shouted but once again Cyberdramon ignore him.

"Desolation Claw!" Cyberdramon shouted then attack Rika once again.

"Fine! You're really won't listen to me? So be it!" Ryo took out his D-ark and was about to whip Cyberdramon when suddenly red cloak tail came out from the smoke and whip Cyberdramon away.

"Dude! What the heck!" Kazu gasped.

At smoke, Rika jump high and pinned Cyberdramon down. She roar and start slash him with her sharp cloak claws. Cyberdramon screamed in pain.

"Cyberdramon!" Ryo shouted.

"Gargomon do something!" Henry said to him.

"Okay! Hey Queenie calm down! Gargo Lasers!" Gargomon shouted before firing at Rika but his attack fail to damage her, it only catch her attention. She turn to Gargomon and started to growl.

DIGIMON TAMERS: THE BATTLE EVOLUTIONWhere stories live. Discover now