A Pacebook account that gathered 100,000 followers. The man's tears instantly dried at this gift as he tried to fake a smile to at least make Taejoon feel good about the gift.

" Anyways, best gift for last!" [Name] smiled, getting up to open the closed door to her bedroom. Once it was opened a golden retriever puppy with a blue bow came running out and circled the group," I know how much you love them so why not get you one of your own?"

Vasco was having a full-blown mental breakdown over the puppy. He was sobbing profusely while holding it to his chest gently.

The party went great, Vasco was over the moon about his gifts and they were thankfully inside and away from the elements. Vasco thanked everyone for their gifts, at least the ones that mattered the most. As it died down the only people left were Jace, [Name], and Vasco.

Jace wanted to make sure Vasco and the puppy were okay when they got home so before that he decided to go to the bathroom.

Vasco and [Name] were in her room getting the puppy supplies she bought specifically for the gift as the man blushed at them being alone.

" I can't thank you enough, [Name]." Vasco smiled softly at the puppy who lay tired on her bed.
" Of course Vasco, nothing is too expensive to make you happy." [Name] smiled before turning to the male.
" Um... I just..." He seemed flustered but she knew why before he fully even gave out his thoughts. [Name] pressed her lips to his and smiled as she asked if that's what he was about to talk about," U-uh... Yeah.. You know me well..."
" Of course, I've known you for this long. I can pick up on a lot." The girl hummed before Jace entered the room.
" We all good?"
" Yep, everything just needs to be put in the car and you guys can head on home." [Name] hums before stretching," I on the other hand am beat and have to clean my apartment.. And then let the dogs out... So I hope you two don't mind that I'm gonna start before you leave."
" We don't mind at all." Vasco waved off as he picked up some of the supplies and the puppy," Thank you again. This was a very happy day."
" Of course, Vasco, now remember. If you need any help— at all! Just call me, okay? I'll come running over." [Name] smiles before starting to clean the apartment up.


" You know, I would have never pegged you as one to work at a Cafe." [Name] stated to Jace as he side eyed her," What? With your brains... And the fact that Vasco exists, I wouldn't think you'd have a job."
" Vasco may keep me on my toes but I don't have to watch him 24/7." The male spoke as he put creamer into a coffee cup.
" I feel like that's the recommended amount of time to watch him." [Name] lightly joked but they both realized she wasn't joking.

" Did you win?"
" I'm about to."
" Hey what are you doing?"
" Snail Game."
" Ah, how can odds come up four in a row?"
" Lol!"

Two people came up to the counter, talking about the gambling game that they participated in as they got their Americanos.

" Hey, I need just 50 bucks. This is the jackpot!"
" Get lost!"

" Is there a reason as to why gambling became a huge thing recently?" [Name] questioned to Jace, knowing the male had his own form of Intel," I mean, I get the idea of it but why are broke High Schoolers participating now?"
" No idea..." Jace responds blandly before handing three coffee cups to [Name]," If you figure that out, let me know."
" Sure, if you really want me to." The girl shrugged before thanking him as she went to sit down with her two friends," Got the coffees."
" Thanks [Name]." Jiho smiled before talking to the two about what they've been overhearing," Have you guys played? I'm started to get interested..."
" I have no interest in that." Duke put blandly.
" I'm literally rich Jiho, gambling isn't exactly what I'd be doing with all that money." [Name] stated as she sipped on her iced coffee," I need to come here more often... Ice cubes made of coffee! So revolutionary..."

Brass Knuckles (Lookism x reader)Where stories live. Discover now