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Start from the beginning

"I don't want to leave you alone"

"Oh please, Reg, I can handle myself" I told him, ushering him towards the shop whilst I stood outside, waiting for him. I stood for a few moments, observing the peacefulness of the village, it seemed to be fairly quiet, most people probably escaping the cold and going into the shops or pubs for a drink.

All of a sudden I felt a hand wrap tightly around my wrist, yanking me into one of the alleys, clamping a hand over my mouth to muffle my scream. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He pulled his hand of my mouth after pulling us into an empty dark alley between the shops, warning me not to make a sound. I had my suspicions who this was, but I had never seen him before so I didn't know for sure. I am hoping it's not who I think it is. His face was extremely chiselled and sharp, his bright green eyes piercing into my soul, his dark hair neatly styled on his head. He looked...charming almost?

"Melody Hope Lupin" He greeted in his cold, merciless voice, "The special werewolf"

Yep, definitely him.

I knew now was not the time to look visibly scared of his presence. I could do it. I was a braveheart, a Gryffindor. I would not fear him the way he wanted me to. He's intimidating, there's no doubt as he prowled around her inspecting every detail. I would not yield to him.

"Hello, Tom Riddle" I hummed, keeping my body relaxed rather then tense when he let out a low chuckle. An evil chuckle.

"Rather formal of you, Dumbledore must have taught you well" He tutted, moving close to me in one swift movement, tracing over one of my scars with his sharp finger.

"What are you doing?" I snorted, not being able to control myself from laughing at his strange actions.

"You have to understand, Melody, some of mine aren't very pleased you have took one of their own, threatening you would tear them to smithereens if they went so much as near you again. I want to know why they were cowardly over you"

"Cowardly" I grinned, that's good to know, "Walburga and Orion are no courageous, brave people. They yield and bow" I returned, hinting to him. I don't bow down to anyone and I'm certainly not going to start now.

"Interesting. Very interesting. The Blacks are some of my loyal ones though, they were displeased from their loss"

"I don't take idle to people hurting those I love, Tom. Sirius and Regulus belong with me, as far as I'm concerned they are worthy of more than the name of Black"

"Love is weak" He hissed, his eyes turning dangerously like a snake, slits in the middle of his bright green orbs.

"Weak because it can hurt you, or weak because some are dammed enough to never receive or feel it?" I continued, him pressing me up against the wall, his hands either side of me and his jaw locked in anger. "Oh, that's you, isn't it?"

"Yes" He spat, shaking with rage as I stared up at him before shifting my gaze to the sky.

"What's up?"

"You are an insufferable girl"

"No, I don't believe the words 'you are an insufferable girl' are upwards, the answer was the sky. I appreciate the compliment though"

"Why are not-"

"What? Scared of you? You are quite intimidating, I'll give you that but i'm not sure how I can be scared of you when I turn into a fully fledged monster every month" I finished, meeting his gaze and yawning tiredly, "I'm very fatigued, you know?"

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now