166: Misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

As All Might began to speak, telling Nighteye about the healing and so on, he realised why All Might was comfortable enough to sit in his muscle form. His time limit was increased, so he can go on for almost a day without going skinny. That's a good thing, even if All Might was much weaker now, Nighteye noted.

As the explanation continued, the bleak tone filling the room, Nighteye couldn't help but grow anxious as sweat beads started to form on his forehead.

"I...see." That was all he could reply to after hearing that explanation. He turned to give Mirio a look, who was still looking down, making him sigh. "It's fine, Mirio... You were chosen to inherit One for All exactly because of this heroic spirit of yours, you haven't done anything out of expectation. Don't blame yourself."

He patted the young man's shoulder watching as his stiffness visibly relaxed. Truthfully, Nighteye was... mad and slightly disappointed. But maybe he was just biassed, but he couldn't bring himself to scold Mirio.

"Anyway, Nighteye, do you know what all this means?" asked Nezu, putting his cup down, watching as Nighteye nodded. "Your vision hasn't changed at all, even though you managed to give Mirio the OFA."

"...Yes, I can see that."

"Indeed. All Might says that AFO used some sort of transformation ability to turn into Neji, which is most likely the case. The 'white-haired man' in vision is none other than All for One himself because as you might remember, that man had white hair too before his presumed 'death'. This certainly is a weird turn of events." said Nezu in a serious tone, scratching his chin.

Nighteye nodded, thinking rationally. "None of us ever thought of that possibility that the white-haired man from the vision might as well be All for One since it never occurred to us that a dead man could come back alive and even steal the quirk that he's been failing to steal for centuries."

"Well, I did theorise this, but I didn't want to worry anyone so I didn't speak my mind. But seeing the current situation, I think I really should have." Nezu said with a sigh. "Anyway, since you are here without anyone notifying you, I assume you saw the future? Commendable that you managed to fight your fear and do it. Did you only learn about Mirio's power lost or..."

Nighteye sighed at that. "Yes, about that. Shocking as this might sound, that part is actually of least importance right now."

Nezu raised an eyebrow, before slowly as Nighteye started to reveal his vision, both his eyebrows were above his forehead, and Nighteye saw the mouse's brain visibly go into overdrive.

After all, based on Nezu's past, he was probably the most frightened of death amongst everyone in all of Japan.

'Not that it's a bad thing.' Nighteye thought calculatingly. 'If anyone can come up with a solution to the incoming problems, it's none other than this demon mouse.'

Nighteye almost felt relieved that there was someone smarter than him to help with this current problem. Because he wasn't confident if he would be able to be of much help here, after all... his futures are absolute and he has never been able to change them by himself.


"So... what happens to me now?"

Neji watched Lady Nagant ask in a strangely submissive voice. She seemed to have learned who's the predator here, which was a good thing.

Though that didn't matter much now.

"I wonder. You finished writing down the things I asked of you, going as far as marking the bases of the heroes too." Neji said, looking at Nagant, looking at him from the desk while her naked body was covered by a blanket. "It wouldn't be wise to let you go since you might have given false information, the same goes for killing you. But I don't want to keep you in this mansion either since I would need to put you under constant watch."

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