I wasted no time before bolting out of the crowded ballroom, and down the secluded corridors. At this point I knew the frigid weather would never stop Del from entering the courtyards so that's exactly where I went and it didn't take me long to spot her walking out onto the frozen Blake Lake.

I began to panic, but I remembered how James told me that she and him both ran out there jokingly before they danced on the thick ice. 'Maybe the area was comforting for her' I thought as I slowly neared the large tree that I'd sat under with her more times than I could count, 'maybe she just wanted a reminder of the memories her and James shared out there', I thought.

The closer I neared the forest the better view I could get of her. I didn't hear sobs, cries, or pleas. 'Maybe she just needed time to register what had just happened'.

But then she looked down at the ice, a large cloud of smoke left her lips and a loud curse followed afterwards; then she lifted her leg and used her sharp heel to stomp back down on the ice.

All my 'maybes' drowned out as I understood her intentions clear as day. I quickly went out to run onto the lake to stop her before I halted my movements, she was so aggressive with her stomps that I knew she'd be able to break the ice in no time and if I were to join her, my body weight would only quicken the process.

I ran with all my might into the forest before I transformed myself into my animagus form, Padfoot, and quickly began barking as loud as I could as I sprinted back out of the forbidden trees, hoping to at least distract or spark some fear into her before I was able to reach her out on the ice.

It worked for a split second, but it didn't take long before she returned to her stomps, quickening them in the process. She knew something was approaching, and that only made her more aggressive as her heel began indenting the ice below her until the large cracking sound echoed throughout the empty lake.

She soon gave up on her stomping as she removed her heel and kneeled down onto the ice, using the sharp tool in her hand she began hammering it into the floor once again, this time the cracking began to grow more frequent, with every hit a new echo would sound in the courtyard.

I used all my power to sprint towards her while barking viciously before I finally was able to grasp onto her wrist and pull her away from her attempts. She screamed out of fear and what I prayed to not be pain, but I didn't care in the moment if I hurt her, she needed to get snapped out of whatever trance she was in, yet my plan didn't work as well as I'd expected once she flung her arm and I lost my grip, flinging off of her I slid onto the large platform of ice besides her.

The second she looked towards me I could see her eyes widen, she was confused to say the least and I didn't blame her. I growled and bared my teeth at her as I rose to my paws, but instead of drawing away and backing up she scolded, "Fuck off."

Are you fucking kidding me?

If this were any other time I'd allow it to impact my ego, I've never not scared someone in my animagi form, yet there she stood, staring at me like I was nothing more than just an annoyance to her. A part of me wondered if she knew it was me, but Remus, nor James, has opened up to her yet about what truly happens every full moon.

With one more hammer onto the floor below us, the crack quickly began to form a barrier around her and my eyes widened in fear, she was close, too close, "Fucking finally," She scoffed and anger filled my whole form. She was thankful that her death was nearing and I began to approach her slowly as snarls and barks escaped my throat, yet once again, I didn't scare her, but instead she not only told me to 'shut the hell up,' but removed her other heel and threw it at me.

The sharp point scratched my front left paw, cutting it deeply and as I cried out, anger like I've never felt towards her began to coarse through my veins as I quickly got back up, ignoring the pain of placing my bodyweight onto my now injured paw, Del stood up too, I didn't know what her intentions were, but the second she did so, the barrier around her cracked altogether, leading for her to release a loud yelp as she fell into the arctic waters.

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