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"Bold of you to assume I was held."

When dinner finally came to an end Del had stayed back a little bit just so she could follow the group, it's been around six years since she's even stepped foot into the Gryffindor Common Room.

Once Del was comfortable with the space with her and the rest of Gryffindor she soon began to follow, the Perfects, who just so happened to be James Potter and Lily Evans, were explaining all the rules they had for their Common Room and the curfew, the Password for this year was 'Cubiculum Leonis'

For the past six years Del had been in a dorm alone, hopefully it would be the same in Gryffindor but she doubted that was going to be the case, about five minutes into the introduction Del felt a presence beside her to which she looked down to see Elladora smiling at her.

Del gave the girl a silent wave and smile before nodding her head towards Lily and James telling her to pay attention, she remembered when she was sorted into Gryffindor she kept her head low the whole presentation and it made it a pain for her first week since she didn't exactly listen to what they said.

Elladora gave a single nod before turning to Lily and James, Del did the same but she soon felt her hand connect with a smaller one and she didn't even need to look down to know that Elladora was playing with and observing her hand.

Del smiled to herself and shook her head, she knew nothing about this little girl yet she was already forming a bond with her, quite pathetic she thought, a sixteen year old girl's only friend in Gryffindor being an eleven year old.

Once they had finally reached the Common Room Del embraced the smell and scenery, don't get her wrong she loved the underwater vibe from the dungeons but it was always humid and had an odd smell with it yet with the Gryffindor Common Room it was fresh and had that old book smell she remembered from first year.

Most first years were leaving for their dorms while others lounged around, Del stood near the entrance still observing before she realized she still had an eleven year old clung to her.

"Are you not going to go to check out your new dorm? All your stuff is already packed in there." she asked.

"Nope, I want to stay with you." She popped the 'p' and spoke confidentially which had told her she wasn't going to budge on her answer.

Del let out a faint laugh before shrugging and sitting in a random loveseat with Elladora on her lap, she instinctively ran my fingers through her hair as she leaned her back into her chest as her head fell to her shoulder with quiet snores leaving her mouth.

"Is she your sister?" A girl asked, Del looked up to see the whole book club and Lily, Alice, Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas with them sitting on the large sofa and loveseats beside her in front of the fireplace.

"Oh no, she's just been holding my hand since dinner after she got sorted into Gryffindor."

Her voice brought attention to the four boys who confusedly looked over to her, Sirius immediately began to smirk.

"Well look who decided to finally be with her house."

"Shut it Black, I'm only here because Minnie made me."

"Oi! Minnie is our nickname for her find your own." Sirius scoffed, is he serious right now she thought. 'Actually don't answer that', she mentally cursed her self for the stupid pun.

"Uhm hello? I was the one who started calling her it in the first place then your little book club joined in on it."

"No James started the nickname fir- did you just call us a book club?" Sirius asked with disgust on his face, the dude has probably never held a book in his life.

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