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Before this chapter begins I just wanted to give such a big thankyou for all the support this story is getting, 50k reads is insane! Every time I see this story getting a new vote or comment it genuinely makes my days better. I am also writing this as a small disclaimer: I have no idea how long this story will be or if may even need a part two because we are now a little over a fourth of the way of making it to two hundred chapters and there is still so much that has yet to happen, which brings me to my next point.

I do not feel the need to give further warnings on how dark and sinister this book may get, if you've made it this far then you hopefully understand why I am choosing to remove all Trigger Warnings because I no longer want to spoil the chapters, but I will be giving one LAST disclaimer.

In the remaining of 'Twisted Love | James Potter' will include subjects of rape, sexual interactions, addiction, homophobia, mental illness, torture, abuse, death, murder, suicidal thoughts/attempts, suicide, eating disorders and signs of self destruction, that will all go into detail.

I have been leading up to this point of the book for a very long while now, many questions will be answered, but you will also finish this chapter with new ones. I wanted to show the beauty of the 'honeymoon' phase between Delphinus and James, and just how quickly that can all shut off.

One thing I would also like to point out is that when I finished this chapter it had 20k words- so to avoid cutting this up into separate parts, I ended up taking out a lot of 'filler dialogue' which did result in some choppy scene changes (* * *). I apologise in advance and I hope you don't completely hate this chapter.

Quickly wrapping up this very long A/N, I would also like to apologise for the extremely long break, a lot has been going on in my life recently and I am just now getting the chance to resume this story so without further adieu, please enjoy chapter XLIII.

"I will have her hurt again, and I will make sure that this time the blame falls on you"

The Great Hall's doors swung open while the large throng of students gathered around their designated tables as they awaited their morning feast. It was an important day for many students; some have awaited this day since their first year, and some were impatient, distressed even, for the dusk to settle.

Professors sat stunned as they observed the antsy, and fidgety students of Hogwarts who were yet to find a date to the ball; while the others who were lucky enough, or just simply didn't care, sat calmly with signs of excitement or contempt on their faces.

All classes were to be cancelled today, except for Professor McGonagall's dance recitals, yet those were optional for the ones who still felt like they needed the extra practice, and though all students had been granted 'open campus' in the beginning of the week to get gowns and suits, the students were all granted the privilege once again in case any of the students wanted to stop by the boutiques.

It was quite the surprise when James and Del were seen hand in hand, laughing down the corridors as if nothing happened; except for the Slytherins, they all knew how quickly she was to forgive. They all sat across from her as they watched her laugh with the marauders like she were one of them, James' hand laid protectively over her shoulder while he held a proud smile and occasionally looked down to observe his girl.

"You alright?" James whispered subtly, and Del nodded with a small smile, yet he knew better than to believe her answer so he leant down ever so closer so she could at least whisper what was on her mind, but she sheepishly looked down and shook her head, "It's stupid, let's not talk about it, yeah?"

Twisted Love | James PotterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora