The memories began pouring in and I let out an audible sob as I stared at the person who'd sent me to the Hospital Wing, the person who violated my privacy, threatened, and mocked me maliciously.

"I'm going to ask you again, Delphinus. What. Did. You. Do.?" He gritted out, "Why did I get a fucking eviction notice on my door this morning giving me today to pack my shit and to be off the premises by tomorrow morning?"

"It wasn't me!" I repeated with tears now streaming down my face.

"Why am I getting expelled? Answer me!" He continued with anger, I could feel salvia flinging onto my cheek as he yelled. He was brave for this, the perfects should be near by now. I only hoped James didn't have a shift tonight.

"Someone framed you for the attack on Lily Evans." I hesitantly admitted, I wasn't thinking about what this would cause, but at the moment I was willing to do anything to get him away from me.

Fornax paused as he stared down at me with wide eyes which were full of hatred before he quickly pounded his fist onto the wall behind us, I flinched away. "Fucking Leo. That fucking bitch. No wonder he took that fucking task first." He murmured under his breath before he quickly looked over to me.

"You-" He started but the sound of footsteps echoed in the corridors as well as the hushed whispers of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Fornax recognized this too and quickly slapped his hand over my mouth. We could hear the two speaking about ditching the dungeons and going back to the common room. I prayed that they would walk past us.

The sound of someone clearing their throat filled our ears and Fornax flinched forward with a wince, with his hand still pressed against my mouth he turned around to face the two Gryffindors.

"It's clearly past curfew and if you knew what was best for yourselves, you'd finish what you started in your assigned dorms." Remus sighed out and I could hear Sirius' stifled laugh from behind him. My shoulder shook as my silent cries were ignored.

"Will do, thanks, Lupin." Fornax laughed, he couldn't believe he was getting away with this either. I knew he was finding a thrill of having me behind him as he spoke to my friends.

"Is there anyone else down here, except you two?" Sirius asked, Fornax shook his head, and with that the two turned around and left.

"Some friends they are." Fornax scoffed mockingly as he twirled a hair that fell in front of my eye, "You're going to do me a favour, okay?"

He removed his hand to let me reply, but instead I screamed Remus' name, hoping that he would recognize my voice as I did with his, but it was no use. They never turned around and I only upset Fornax in the process.

"Stupid bitch." He shouted in a hushed whisper, slapping his hand over my mouth again, "I'm going to ask this once and once only, are you going to comply easily?" He asked.

We both knew the answer to his question. Any favour for Fornax Yaxley would always be far out of my morals. I didn't reply, yet he still took that as a no.

"Disappointing." He sighed before grabbing my left wrist and pinning it to the wall behind me, "I will brand this skin right here, right now. Don't test me. You are going to go to Dumbledore and explain that you were with me that night, you are going to tell them that I never laid a hand on Lily Evans."

I almost laughed, I would never vouch for Fornax Yaxley, ever, but then I looked over to my wrist in fear. I wouldn't be able to bear this. I wasn't strong enough to get branded but then act okay.

I still shook my head, no.

Yaxley rose a surprised eyebrow and pressed his wand to my wrist, I didn't budge, my heart was racing with adrenaline, but a small part of me couldn't help but call his bluff. He looked over to me again as he dug deeper, he was getting frustrated. "I'll do it, Delphinus, don't test me."

Once I didn't move once more he groaned angrily and dropped my wrist, before picking up my right, which still held the bandage from Landon's tattoo.

"Fuck! You are so lucky he wants you." He laughed before quickly pointing his wand at me, "I'm sorry to do this, doll."


Here's the thing about the imperious curse, though it is the least harmful, it is still considered an unforgivable curse and that is because once a curse like so is set upon a victim, the spell sticks with them forever. Even after they are awakened from the powerful hypnosis they will always see their caster as a master of some sort. It doesn't matter how much hatred they can hold for them. They will always crave to submit when ordered too, they will always feel a pulling sensation once they are ordered to do something by their caster. The imperious curse is unforgivable because it will never be a 'one-time-thing.'

Many wonder what it feels like to be under the curse and the only way to explain it was a feeling of depersonalization. The victim is aware of what they are doing, but it feels like they are watching through a window, they don't understand why they are doing it with ease. They will know they are under the curse but many expect that they would be fearful and against what they were doing, but that was the unforgivable part of it all. The curse will bend morals. It won't change a person, but whilst they are under the curse they will feel a sense of understanding as they do as they are told.

But then the second you are awakened from your hypnosis, you feel nothing but guilt and shame, because though it all feels like a dream, you remember the emotions you felt during the curse.

I do not plan to share my story, not even to Sirius because I am too ashamed. I don't want to explain how I woke the Headmaster by banging on his door, or how I passionately defended my castor with nothing but the intention of keeping him at this school that I used to call home, I didn't want to explain how Dumbledore begged me to stop defending him but I refused to call quits until I was certain he was staying.

I do not plan on sharing how I then went back with Fornax and spent the night terrorizing and luring young students into the un-searched dungeons until the sun rose, or how I lived up to my families name. And I do not plan on sharing how Fornax demanded I wrote a letter to my father, apologising for my disgusting blood-traitor acts, how I used profanity like no other against the ones I loved, how I then defended the Yaxley name to him with nothing but the intention to clear the grime I'd set upon him. I do not plan on sharing anything from this night because I am too disgusted to even admit them out loud.

At the prime age of 16, I'd already faced two of the three unforgivable curses. I only prayed I'd never have to face the third.

1,854 Words

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