Start from the beginning

But obviously the halls weren't allowed to be left unsupervised so Lily Evans had volunteered herself to do his runs for him, but of course, last minute, Penelope Clearwater, the other Ravenclaw Perfect, had 'accidentally' forgotten to set her alarm, leaving the muggle-born witch to roam the halls alone.

At first everything was fine and normal, Lily had caught a few fourth years but let them off with a warning, other than that nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

That was until she began hearing footsteps follow after her, but once she turned around, no one was seen.

The loud stomps only grew more constant until she began to feel uncomfortable, so she chose the smart option to ditch the last of her walk-throughs and continued her way towards the Gryffindor common room.

Yet the second she turned the corridor she ran into a large figure, she quickly apologised, not even worrying about the fact that they were out past curfew, she was just thankful that she finally wasn't alone.

That was until she looked up to see a tilted head looking down to her, an unsettling medal skull mask.

She quickly backed away, only to hit another body, she looked up to see one on her left, then another on her right as well.

She was completely surrounded.

* * *

Dumbledore had finally concluded their meeting, thankfully he hadn't dove straight into lessons, but instead gave her tips and practices that would help strengthen the barrier of her mind.

So finally saying their goodbyes, Dumbledore told her that she was free to leave, Filch and the Perfects had been alerted that she was going to be heading to her common room after curfew.

Walking down the dark corridors Del kept her eyes glued onto the scroll she had in her hand which held all the mind training she needed to begin practising.

Dumbledore made it very clear to keep it to herself that she was doing these practices, for multiple reasons, her safety included, yet he only seemed to care about the fact that these practices were highly exclusive, they weren't taught to just anyone, which only confused her more, out of everyone, why choose her?

Within her own thoughts she faded out the whole outside world which led her to accidentally bump into a tall figure who she presumed was Benjamin Blaire, yet to her surprise it was an extremely concerned Corvus Greengrass.

"Corvus." Del acknowledged politely, things hadn't been extremely smooth between the two, especially after he forgot to meet with her at the tapestry.

"What are you doing out here, Del?" He asked with panic, paranoia taking over his actions as he continuously looked over his shoulder to make sure the two were alone.

"I was with Dumbledore, Occlumency classes are starting soon so he was just explaining what I should expect." She shrugged, she had no problem explaining to him especially since he helped her practice Legilimens last year.

Yet Corvus didn't share the same carefree demeanour as it seemed all colour drained from his face the second those words left her tongue, quickly placing a finger to his lips he hurriedly hushed her,

"You can't be down here, not alone and not now. Go straight to your common room and don't look back."

Del was immediately taken aback by his fear, he rarely showed when he was anxious around her, "What's going on? Is everything okay."

As if on cue, a piercing scream was heard throughout the corridors.

Disregarding Corvus, Del quickly hurried past him towards the commotion yet he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Stop trying to be the hero, D, just go back to the common room." He spat out with annoyance and fear.

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