Additional training

Start from the beginning

You woke up a few times during the night screaming. Despite what you said, your Uncle Brad came running into the living room regardless and put his arm around you while the wolves spoke softly to you that you were safe. You only leaned into him and cried a bit before assuring him you were fine and he would go back to bed with Soren on his shoulder. You could tell their bond was getting stronger just by looking at the two of them. You finally gave in, and slept on the floor with the wolves surrounding you. Jasper and Snow surprised you by licking your tears from your face, and taking your right side while Melody snuggled into your left. Cloud never missed a beat and slept under your head. You felt safer surrounded by them, and slept a bit better with them. When you woke up in the morning your uncle was putting a roll of knives on the coffee table, and looked dressed for going into town.
"I didn't mean to wake you" he gave a small smile.
"I wake up early normally" you admitted.
"Shower is still in the same place, I want you working on the knives this morning. Soren is going to stay with you while I'm in town. I won't be too long, just long enough to make a call and get some extra groceries" he warned you. "We will have breakfast when I get back"
"Sure, thank you" you nodded and sat up off the floor. You saw your uncle put Soren on his perch in the living room and walk out the front door. You gave a yawn, and stopped to give each of the wolves a kiss on the muzzle as they all sat up.
"It's weird not to wake up with Blue here" Snow spoke gently.
"He was too young for the journey" you gave a small smile. "I do miss him though" you admitted. "I'm sure Bucky and Clint are taking good care of him"
"Come on pup, go take your shower. I have a feeling Soren and I have a lot to talk about" Cloud announced, and you saw Soren look at him curiously.
"What do we need to talk about?" Soren asked.
"The bond, and what it entails" Cloud told him gently while you took out a pair of jeans, socks, t-shirt, bra, and panties out of your bag.
"Brad talked a lot about it, I decided on my own I wanted to be his companion" he flapped his wings a little.
"Do you know you will live longer with him? As long as he lives, you live" Cloud asked him.
"He mentioned it. That's why he was so lost without his Luna. I could tell he needed a new companion, humans like this are rare. I knew of the legends before I met him. I didn't know more than one companion could be bonded to a human at a time" Soren looked to you while you stood up and headed for the upstairs.
"Its more dangerous, her pain is our pain, and our pain is her pain" Jasper spoke up. "We feel her emotions, and she feels ours. So far, we only feel that of love. Sometimes confusion, except when she got shot again. Then we felt sadness and rage"
"Cloud felt it more than we did" Melody spoke softly. "Me more than Jasper and Snow. Our bonds are still growing with her"
"I'll be right back" you had stopped to listen for a moment.
"I know Brad feels my wounded wing, he favors his arm since I bonded myself to him" you heard Soren as you headed up the stairs to the bathroom.

When you got out of the shower, you took the time to dry off completely and look around. Your uncle still kept the house nice and clean regardless of his hermit status. You gave yourself a small smile, and headed back downstairs, putting your dirty clothes in a separate part of your bag. The pack was still talking to Soren about what it was like and what it took to be a companion. He seemed to already be knowledgeable in this area, having listened to Brad talk so much about it.
"I'm going to practice with the knives, did you all want to come?" you asked as you picked up the roll of knives. "Uncle Brad expects me to be working on this"
"Do you always do as your asked?" Soren looked at you.
"Normally, if I know its in my best interest" you nodded. "I'll carry you out and put you on the picnic table" you held out your arm and he jumped onto it. You tried not to grimace as his claws went into your arm. Cloud let out a groan, but kept his thoughts to himself. You walked outside and waited for the pack to follow you before closing the door. They all went over to the river to do their business and lounge around again. You put Soren on the picnic table and started practicing on the tree again. You were getting better, and hitting the tree more often and felt proud of that fact. You couldn't wait to show Clint and Bucky your progress. You kept mindful of your stance as you went.
When the truck pulled up you saw your Uncle Brad look over, and nod approvingly as you continued to practice on the tree. He brought his groceries inside and stayed there for a while. You lost track of time as you went. You had gone to pick up all the knives again, noticing the blisters on your fingers from throwing for so long, when you came back your uncle was setting down two plates of bacon and eggs with toast. He handed Soren his fish, and he gave you your eight packages of steaks already cut up for the wolves. You whistled and the pack came running over and you put it down for each of them. They started eating hungrily.
"How was practice?" he finally asked as you started eating.
"I think I'm getting better" you admitted.
"Looked like it" he nodded approvingly. "You sure you weren't followed here?" he looked up at you expectantly.
"There was just the one car taking a country drive behind me. Why?" you asked him curiously.
"Few strange people in town I haven't seen before. Its probably nothing. I don't like new people though" he admitted.
"Everyone knows not to come up here" you gave a smile. "Except me of course" you giggled.
"We are going to start with guns after breakfast" he said after a pause. "I don't like that you don't know how to use one"
"I told you, the wolves don't like the sound" you shook your head.
"Neither does Soren, but they will have to get used to it" he looked at you seriously. "I don't want to find out your powers got discovered because you couldn't get out of a fight in some back alley. A gun is quicker and scary enough most people back off"
"I'm good at defensive and offensive moves" you frowned.
"You still need to know how to handle a gun" he wasn't budging from that. You groaned, but knew you were giving in.  

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