Getting to Uncle Brads

Start from the beginning

You had been driving for five and a half hours when your phone went off and you saw it was Tony. You had just sent a text half an hour ago saying you were leaving the service area soon.
"Hello?" you answered as you were getting out of the service area.
"Y/N, I need you to..." he started, but the phone cut off. You stopped the SUV and pulled over and even tried backing up but reception was gone. You sent Tony a text just in case that the call got dropped, but you doubted it would get through to him. You thought about turning around and heading back to the small town half an hour away, but decided against it. You were so close to your uncles place, and really wanted to see him. You started up the SUV again and kept driving. You noticed that a car had been following you for a while, but knew in these old country roads there was a likelihood people would be behind you for a long time until they met their destination. You saw your uncles driveway and turned in. The car slowed down long enough for you to turn before it sped past you. You knew you were being paranoid, but it didn't help the flashbacks of back when Shawn would follow you.
You drove down the long driveway seeing all the signs saying private property, and trespassers would be shot. You bit your bottom lip, thinking nothing really changed. You saw the underbrush was a bit more grown over in the forest.
"Almost there pups, remember to mind yourself around the uncle" Cloud called back in the car.
"I need to pee" Melody whined.
"Just a few more minutes, only go where Cloud goes. There's lots of booby traps around here" you spoke out loud.
You finally saw the house come out in front of you, and you pulled up beside your uncles old pick up truck and parked.
"Stay in the car" you warned them and you opened the door and raised your hands immediately as your uncle Brad came out looking haggard with a long beard, and his long hair tied back. He had a rifle pointed at your chest and you saw the look of surprise on his face before he put the gun down slowly, his green eyes studying you closely. He was over six feet tall, but was slouched a bit. You looked and saw a beautiful eagle perched on his shoulder looking at you curiously.
"You normally warn me before you show up" he finally smiled slightly.
"I had a lot to say that couldn't be said in a letter" you looked to the eagle. "Hello Soren"
"Don't get me started with that bastard, he made me his companion while I was sleeping" your uncle grimaced.
"You need a companion old man" Soren quipped. "You saved my life, I decided I want to be your companion. Is this the niece?"
"Y/N" you smiled and nodded.
"Why do I see more wolves?" your uncle Brad looked in the SUV. "Where's the truck?"
"Company car, and they are all my companions. I have a fifth, but I left him at the compound. I have a lot to tell you" you waited and he finally came over and gave you a very brief hug. You knew he was adverse to touching, but would take what you could.
"Its dangerous to have more than one companion" he looked at you worriedly, taking a step back.
"We are aware of all the risks. Mama came to visit recently and reinforced the risks as well. I took on a pretty dangerous job, the bond between us is strong. Moreso with my Cloud of course. The others are fairly new" you admitted.
"All the traps are in the same place, let them out. I know it was a long drive. How long are you staying?" he looked at you curiously.
"A few days, I brought a bag. I'll take the couch. We have a lot to talk about" you gave a smile and opened the front door first and Cloud jumped out and stretched and waited expectantly for you to open the back door of the SUV. You opened it, and Jasper, Snow and Melody jumped out.
"Follow me pups" Cloud led the way to a safer part of the woods for them to do their business.
"Five companions?" your uncle arched his brow.
"Five, Blue is still a pup, but he chose me as well. My boyfriend and our friends are taking care of him for me while I'm here" you looked to Soren. "May I, Soren?"
"What do you want to do?" he seemed hesitant.
"I'm going to press my forehead against you. This is a common greeting between telepaths and companions. Did Uncle Brad not explain this to you?" you asked gently.
"He doesn't want to tell me much, but I've learned a few things on my own" he jumped to your shoulder and pressed his forehead against yours and you smiled.
"You are a beautiful Eagle" you whispered into his mind. "Thank you for taking care of my uncle"
"He needs someone to" Soren jumped back to your uncles shoulder. The pack came back and went and sat to your side acting very timid. Even Melody seemed a bit worried.
"I should greet them as well" your uncle sighed, and knelt down on one knee and Cloud came forward first to press his forehead against your uncles.
"I took care of her, I promise" you heard Cloud.
"I'm Melody" Melody was next. "I take care of our human too" she announced.
"I'm Snow" you heard her whisper. "We've heard much about you"
"I'm Jasper, I'm Snow's mate" Jasper spoke gently. "We wanted to be with our companion for this journey. She almost left us behind"
"You shouldn't leave your companions behind, its dangerous" your uncle stood up. "Even to be separated from the pup is dangerous" he looked at you seriously.
"I trust my team. They adore him. His name is Blue" you smiled shyly. "He's only three weeks old or so"
"Grab your things, come inside" he sighed looking at you. You grabbed your overnight bag, then went to the trunk and grabbed the large cooler that you had already went into to feed the pack lunch on your way there. You pulled it out and carried it into the old house. All the furniture looked the same, and hadn't moved, just looked more well worn. You brought the cooler into the kitchen and set it on the counter and your uncle looked in the cooler and shook his head. "Don't they go hunting?"
"I make it so they don't have to" you gave a proud smirk. He started taking out all of the steaks and putting them into his nearly empty fridge. "We need to do a grocery run for you" you decided.
"We have enough for tonight" he shrugged. "I'd rather not go into town unless I have to"
"That hasn't changed" you rolled your eyes as he finished putting the steaks away, and set the cooler to the side for you.
"Lets go to the living room, you said you had things to tell me that couldn't be said in a letter. I want to know what's so important" he sighed heavily. "You know I like to be alone"
"You're not alone anymore, you have your Soren" you corrected him as you both headed to the living room.
"Don't get me started" he shook his head, and put Soren up on a perch in the middle of the living room.  

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