The Second Meeting

Start from the beginning

Mirajane, Erza and Kinabra stood there, talking away.

Where were Lucy and Levy?

Detention some functioning part of her brain told her.

She walked to her friends, her mind in some kind of trance, noting that they turned their attention to her.

As the happenings of the past few minutes finally made sense in Juvia Locksar's mind, she gave a small shriek and walked straight into the arms of a confused Mirajane.


Gray walked ahead of Laxus and the others.

The boys were on their way home after school.

Gajeel and Natsu were telling the others about detention and a little boy called Romeo that they were taking under their wing.

Gray wanted to roll his eyes.

That poor boy would probably much sooner die than trend with these buffoons.

Gray thought back to school.

Thank goodness, he's found Ms. Aquarius and told her about Mr. Scorpio's message.

Her reaction had been weird to say the least.

She'd blushed, fanned herself, and then in a soft voice, said that she'd love to.


It wasn't like Mr. Scorpio had asked her out or anything.


The word got him thinking about a particularly pretty one.

Juvia Locksar wasn't it?

No one had told him how utterly gorgeous that girl was.

And the cute way she talked had never been mentioned to him either.

Not that he would've paid attention if anyone had been crushing on the girl.

Now, though, he had no doubt that at least half of the school liked her.

She was cute. Her voice, the way she behaved, her features. Everything about her described in one word.

She'd told him something at the end...

Gray went over their meeting in his mind.

Then it struck him.

She'd asked him if he'd be there at the competition.

Again her wordplay caught him off guard.

She was an all new level of cute. Couple that with her great...

"Laxus," Gray turned around, continuing to walk backwards.

Laxus looked up, "What?"

"Are we going to the inter school competition Saturday?"

Laxus gave him a stare, "No way in hell."

Well, that closed all doors.

Gray nodded before turning around.

Funny... He'd really wanted to go.

At least to see her soft smile and because she'd asked so... sweetly.

Gray shrugged.

Maybe another time.


Laxus let the door shut behind him as he made his way into the house toward his room.

After shedding his jeans for looser pants, he went back downstairs to see Jellal sprawled across a sofa, reading a book.

Laxus positioned himself on the couch opposite.

Two of the clowns he had for friends had earned themselves detention. Again.

Natsu and Gray had gotten on his grandfather's nerves. Again.

Gajeel had missed a few classes. Again.

A cold silence at the dinner table was guarenteed.

It was as though his grandfather thought he was to blame for everything his friends did wrong.

Laxus took a steadying breath when he felt the muscles at his shoulder begin to tense.

At least Jellal was normal.

Cobra was anything but...

He was strangely quiet and at peace.

That only spelt danger for others.

Laxus wanted to groan.

Keeping his friends out of more trouble would be his life's legacy.

Of course he'd said no when Gray had asked if they'd be going to the stupid competition on Saturday.

Extra time with his grandfather was a definite negative.

Laxus was busy filing through his thoughts when he heard it.

A soft, melodious voice from somewhere upstairs.

He turned his head around to see Mirajane make her way down the stairs.

She balanced a few books in her slender hands and kept her head bent down, so as to watch where she stepped.

Laxus then heard his grandfather call from upstairs, "You will be at the competition on Saturday, Mira?"

"Of course, master!" She replied in her sweet voice, looking up for a few moments.

She caught Laxus' eye and gave him a charming smile.

He swallowed and then turned back around.

Taking out his phone, he tapped his fingers across the screen a few times.

Then as though on impulse, he dialled a number quickly and placed the phone his ear.

When the person picked up, his words were short and to the point.

"Gray, we're goin' to that damned competition Saturday."

Laxus slid his phone back into his pocket.

Jellal looked up from his book, smiled slowly, and went back to reading.

Laxus hated him.

A/N: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!

I had the time today and I have used it wisely!!

I hope you guys like this chapter! Tell me what you think please!!

I want to put up another chapter...

Maybe I'll type one up now...



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