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I floated around the Hogsmeade Village as always. I wasn't like the other ghost. Not any ghost of Hogwarts. I was just one. I've always wanted to go to the castle but I've never decided to go there. I laid down on one of the roofs and closed my eyes. It was nice being a ghost sometimes. Teasing the kids my age. I spun around as I got up and looked down. I saw a brunette which caught my eye. She was with the infamous Harry Potter and a ginger. I lowered myself down to them and could hear their conversation about school. I rolled my eyes. School. Stupid school. I floated backwards as I brushed the brunette's hair. "Your hair's in the way of your face!" I say as if she could hear me. She shivered. "Is it cold to you?" My eyes go wide, "Shit!" I swiftly go behind them. "No?" The ginger said. "Hermione you must have a cold." "Hermione? Pretty name." I declared. "I'm fine, Ron."

I floated in front of her again. "How have i never seen you before?! You have pretty hair, pretty eyes, smallish nose, pretty freckles, and pretty you! How?!" "I swear it can't be me. It's cold like Professor Snape's potions class!" I sighed, "Stupid me! I hate my coldness I give. It's not even me!" I argue with myself as I fly around. "Hermione. Hermione, Hermione." I repeated. I look down and see as her friends comfort her. "You sound like an amazing person, brunette." The kettle from the chimney whistled. "Merlin! The kettle's started spitting the water out again, Kev!" Miss Seller yelled. It's happened for the tenth time this week! I groan. What if I try to get in the castle. I know I can just...what if I did. I sighed, "I'm going."

I fly over to the castle and go through the walls. "Magical..." I whisper. I fly around the castle exploring each bit of it. "Brilliant!" I whoop around and spin in circles. "I could get used to this!"

After a couple of years, it's now the sixth year and everything was going swell. I've been meeting Hermione, not that she knows, when she goes out to study in the library. It feels comfortable around her. This time, I couldn't find her. I found out the Gryffindor's had won Quidditch. I wander around the castle, not flying of some sort. A cat ends up on my tail as I spin. I fall on my bottom as the cat swats at me. I put a finger to my mouth, "Shh! I don't want anyone knowing like you! I know cats can see ghosts like me but sh!" The orange cat only swats at me again and tries to get in my lap. I groan at the cat annoyingly before I hear sniffles come behind me. I look behind me and I see the orange cats' head peaking out. I stand up walking to the figure, brushing the dirt off of my jeans and sweater.

"Hermione?" I whisper. The cats footsteps patter as it walks up to the brunette. "Hi, Crookshanks." she says quietly, her voice breaking softly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's hard seeing someone you love kissing another. You wouldn't know, you're a cat." Hermione kisses the top of the orange cats head. The cat meows, jumping out of her lap and pouncing at my foot. "Hey!" I yell. "Crookshanks, you're going mad. No one's there." Hermione declared as she started to carry the cat. She sniffled, "Let's go back to my dorm. We shouldn't waste our time on him anymore shall we?" The cat meows. Hermione smiles sadly, "We shouldn't." I look at her spell she had previously made. I floated to see what she had did. "Paper birds? A spell isn't it? Charms?" I ask, taking one of them and looking at her as she disappears. I frown, "I'll meet you sooner, I promise."

I looked at the potions Snape made long ago. One labeled, 'Visibility; For Display' caught my eye. My eyes practically jumped around at the words excitedly. But, would I want to be visible? I tried to grab it but it went through it. I groaned mentally at myself. "I'll need Crookshanks' help." I say as I run out of the room. I go up to Hermione's dorm and see Crookshanks sitting down perfectly on her bed. "I need your help." I say. He shakes his head in cat form. "What?! Why?" I ask. He meows. "Like I understand you." He jumps off of Hermione bed and goes out of the room. "Hey!" I yell as he runs out of the room, to the halls. "Crook!" I yell as I chase after him. Cat chase. I don't know where he's headed as my eyes only follow him. "Crookshanks!" I say and I go through a door. He jumps on the shelf and a potion from the class falls. Everyone looks at the 'movie'. I fall down and curse at myself.

I cough as the dust enters my nose and mouth. "Are you alright?" Slughorn asks. "I'm fine." I say sarcastically, putting my hand down as it meets glass. I wince. "Wait," I look around as everyone stared at me. "you can see me." "Just now yes." Slughorn says, I look as my hand bleeds more. "You're bleeding." A familiar voice exclaimed. I looked to see Hermione walking up to me. She brings her wand out and chants a spell. I look at her. Once she takes the glass out, the bleeding doesn't stop. "Miss Granger, please take her to the Hospital Wing." "Yes, sir." Hermione says firmly. She holds me up and drags me out. "You're cold!" she whispered as we walked out. I looked at her. "Wait wait." I stop her. "What?" she says sternly. I let her hand escape my wrist. I touch her forehead and move her bangs. "Your hair's always in your face! You can't even see how beautiful you are." She blushes, "I wouldn't say beautiful."

"Right," I agree, "I'd say gorgeous." She blushes more, "Uhm—we really should get your hand checked." "I promise it's fine. I'm Y/n. I was a ghost. Dunno why but yeah." "A-a ghost?" "Yeah! Sounds stupid but I wasn't like your ghosts or whatever." I look at her. A meow breaks our silence. "Devil cat. Your cat made me like this. And, he was the reason he was punching the floor." I say as I carry him. He purrs towards my touch. "He likes you." Hermione muttered. "Mhm. Oh. I have something." "You do?" Hermione asks. I nod, reaching into my back pocket. "I have loads of rubbish but this was from yesterday." I hand her the birds from yesterday. "My charms spell." I nod, "I decided to nab one when you didn't stop it." Hermione nods, tracing the object. "I'm Hermione." "Im aware. That's why you've been cold around everywhere. I was around you." She blushes, "Really?" "Yeah. And, you're cute when you blush. But I hate it wb user i can't see your pretty freckles." She chuckled nervously, "I'm sorry, sometimes I can't control it."

"It's hard to control things, don't worry." I assure her. "Uhm—but we should get the wound checked or it'll be affected." "Yeah, we should." I say as we walk over to the Hospital Wing. That's the start of our new relationship.

The Love Between Us [ Hermione Granger One Shots ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin