The Ball

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I didn't know what to wear. I've never been to the ball before. I was never asked out, nor did I ask people out. I stood in the mirror with my suit displayed on my body. My tie untied and my vest unbuttoned. A knock played down my door and echoed through my ears. I quickly made my way to open it to see the brunette with her hair down as usual but more...uncurled.

She wore a red dress and a tad bit of makeup. "Hi." she said shyly. I could feel heat rising up and I replied sheepishly, "Hello." Hermione looked down at me and smiled, "You look cute." She walked up and buttoned my vest and tied my tie. She was so close to me. After she was done, her hands rested down on my collarbone and her head moved up. She smiled warmly at me and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of my dorm.

We were visited by her friends. Harry was hand in hand date with Draco. Ron hand in hand with some girl I didn't recognize. Ginny hand in hand with Luna. And me hand in hand with Hermione. Everyone talked on the way as I stayed silent. I didn't know what to do. I certainly didn't want to intrude their conversation either. As soon as we entered the Great Hall, music and chatter filled the room. The decorations were more fancier and the tables were filled with treats and much more.

The ball was great. After the dance everyone had entered, we sat at the table talking. Ginny, Luna, Hermione, and Hannah Abbot who Ron had gotten talked. Me and the boys were on the other side talking nonsense. "Remember when Draco got hurt by the Hippogriff?" Ron sparked. We all laughed and Draco blushed in embarrassment. "Someone clearly didn't listen to Hagrid!" I reply.

Draco shakes his head and leans in his chair crossing his arms across his chest, "I didn't. I forgot shortly. My kind was busy on Potter seeing if he'd fall to his death!" Harry shook his head, "I didn't. Because lucky enough for me, I didn't remark anything rude to Buckbeak." "Attention! Attention students!" McGonagall announced. We all turned our heads to see McGonagall standing in front of the podium and Dumbledore behind her sitting in his chair.

"We have the results on who has won this year's Valentines Day Ball!" she grabbed the letter from the owl that had flew and sat in front of McGonagall on the left side. The elder women cleared her throat, "In third place we have Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood." Everyone clapped loudly as the two on the other side of the tabled smiled at each other.

"Second place, we have Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson!" Half of the Great Hall cheered. "But they always get first, who could be the new winning couple?" Draco asked us three. I shrugged and McGonagall spoke loudly and cheerfully. "The newest couple of this years Valentines Day Ball is, Hermione Granger and Y/n L/n!"

"You won!" Ron yelled. My wad fell to the floor and McGonagall gave me and Hermione a glance. "Get up there, you toad!" Draco told me laughing, grabbing my arms and walking up to Hermione who grabbed my hand and brought me up to the stage. McGonagall told us about the award as if it were to be new. "I know damn well you aren't going to use this award." I joke as Hermione laughs and shakes her head, "Maybe I will, just to hang out with you."

I look at her with furrowed brows. I see her smug like face as she pecks my lips. The crowd cheers louder and I could hear Ron and Draco's loud roars of cheers. She brings me down the stage and we meet with the others.

"Blimey! An angel kissed me!" I say, falling into Draco's arms. He caught me and laughed, "Funny. Get up! I'm going to drop you." "Don't you dare, Malfoy." Hermione spoke. "Then get your girlfriend!" Hermione sighed loudly which had made me laugh. I got up and wrapped my arms behind her which she gladly took. "Awh look, a new couple!" Harry announced. Hermione shrugs, "Maybe."



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