Cheater Cheater

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Request by @Thedemigod17 (i hope you're okay :])


"Where're you going?" I ask Hermione. We've been dating for about two years and she's been making me a happier person. She's always been there for me. "To meet Ron...and Harry in the library to study." "I can help if you'd like me to—" "Y/n," she cut me off. "It's fine. I can handle it." Hermione assured me. I nod as she pecks my cheek and walks out of the portrait door. I sigh and sit on the couch.

It's been twenty minutes and I'm on the couch talking with Dean and Seamus. I was waiting patiently for Hermione to come back from tutoring Ron and Harry.

I heard the boys door open when I was in a conversation with Dean. "Hey, Harry." Seamus greeted. I stop talking and turned my head. Harry was standing there. "Aren't you supposed to be in the library with Ron and Hermione?" I ask. "What are you on? I was in my room with Neville. He was helping me with my Herbology homework. I was here hoping Hermione would help with my work. Thanks for telling me she's in the library, Y/n." Harry explained. "Hermione told me minutes ago that she was going to help you and Ron in the library. You were already there with Ron."

I explained quietly before walking out of the portrait. Yes, I was overthinking. Anxiety filled my chest, making it harder to breathe. The air thickened as I walked into the library. I asked Madam Pince where Hermione was. "I'm the back corner of the library, studying with Ron." I thank her and run towards the library corner. Quietly, I peek around the large bookshelf. I see Ron and Hermione kissing the hell out of each other. I didn't do anything. I just...stood there. "Hermione?" Harry asks. I turn to see Dean and Seamus there as well.

"You're cheating on...Y/n?" he said quietly. I didn't notice the shimmery tears dropping down my cheeks. "Harry! Please don't tell her." Hermione said getting out of Ron's grip. "She doesn't need to know, she's seen enough." Dean snarled. Hermione turned to see my figure. "Y/n—" "Hermione we're done." I say walking out fast. Seamus follows after me as the talking grows lower.

Harry's third person POV:

"How long, Hermione?" Hermione stares at Harry. "Ron how long?" Harry's asks again hardly. Ron stays quiet. "Two weeks after me and Y/n started dating." Harry stared at Hermione. "She loved you..." Harry whispered. "You don't dare to speak her name again, Hermione." Dean said walking away. Harry followed Dean out of the library.

Two months...

I don't know how long I can hide the act. I always seen them kissing in every corner. I see the illusions as well. Did I do something wrong to make her cheat? All I know is that I wasn't happy anymore. Dean, Harry, and Seamus has been checking up on me and it's great. They've been checking my wrists now and then. Yes, I did self harm. Or...I do. I haven't stopped cutting myself ever since I saw them.

I sighed and put my back against my door. I hugged my knees and sobbed quietly. I was thinking about ending it all. I've been having headaches, stomachaches, and much more pain to keep up with. I know the pain would most likely end, but I don't wanna leave Dean, Seamus, and Harry alone mourning over my grave. It'll hurt me and them. I can't tell what I should do. Self harming was the only way to stop my pain. 'Cause, I can't die, and Seamus and them, aren't going to mourn over my not now grave.

I looked at the pocket knife near my foot. I hear a knock from above my door as it vibrates on my back. "Yes?" I say softly. "Can I talk to you?" I hear Hermione whisper. My eyes slowly widen but I let her. "Sit by the door and talk. I don't wanna see you." I murmur. I think she heard me because she gave a small 'thank you' and I hear her shuffle to sit down. "I know you're thinking to killing yourself. You're the old you." Hermione said. I duck my head down into my arms and my eyes tear up with bits of water.

"I know you're thinking 'Dean, Seamus, and Harry won't be happy anymore since I'm gone'. Y/n, you'll break everyone's heart. You're the Hogwarts funniest person ever since Fred and George had gotten out. Who'll be there to make the Hogwarts laugh now?" she explained. The last sentence was more of a whisper than a loud talk. I cry more. "I'll miss you. Believe it or not. I'm sorry. I really am. I have to go. Harry and them would kill me."

I hear her stand up. Quickly I open the door and grab her wrist. She looks at me before I hug her. "I missed you..." I whisper. I feel her tears stain my shirt. "I've missed you, too." she replies. My face was numb. All I knew was that my heart was a bit full and not dead.

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