Her Little Dove

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"Love?" I say softly. "Hm?" my beautiful brunette girlfriend hums. We were in Potions class and we were assigned partners. "What other ingredients do I— we— we need?" Hermione lowers her head and chuckles softly at me. "You're cute when you stop to correct yourself." I feel my cheeks heat up. She comes up to me and pinches them softly before leaning in and kissing my cheek softly. "We don't need anymore. We just need to stir the potion then we're done. You don't have to worry, dove." My stomach flutters furiously with butterflies within the new pet name. Her thumb gently caressed my cheek. "Let's get to work." I nod.

"Dove!? That's cute, Y/n! Damn...you're even lucky to have her." My friend, Koa sighs out. "Imagine if I had a live like that..." he said dreamily. "I'd die. Seeing you with another person? Bleh." I gag, laughing right after. "Well I have to see you and Hermione be all lovey dovey while I sit and observe!" I rolled my eyes. I go to where he lays on the couch. "Ron's free whenever. Ask him on a date if you're so strong." I say to him. He opens his eyes wide, the green eyes glistening. He struggles to get up on the couch. "I shall make my princess' request." he bows jokingly, his curly hair falling forwards.

"Only 'Mione is ever aloud to call me that, Koa." I assure him. He mimicked me before following me out of the dorm room. "Would he even say yes?" "Want me to ask?" "Please...?" he held the last 'e' longer than I'd expect. "Maybe?" I say, following his move and holding the 'e'. He huffs and crosses his arms. "C'mon, he has to be in the Great Hall. It is dinner." I say to Koa. He leaps down the stairs, "Come along now, pretty girl!" I roll my eyes before going down the steps.

"C'mon." I say to him we enter the Great Hall, chattering and bickering is heard all around. I grab a hold of Koa's wrist before pulling him over to where my girlfriend and her friends sat.
"Ron?" I say politely. His head perks up as me. "Koa would like to go on a date with you." I see Ron's face go pink and red as I get Koa in front of me. "I'd be delighted." he slurs out. I give a small nod before I look at Koa's still figure. His tan cheeks now a bright red. "Close your mouth, hun," I lift his jaw as his lips close the gap he created. "you'll catch files." I finish.

I sit next to my girlfriend as Koa gets pulled by Cedric, one of his cousins. "Hey, dove." Hermione nuzzles her head in my neck. "Why dove?" "Because. Doves are gorgeous, just like my baby." Hermione whispered in my ear huskily. I giggle and blush before she places kisses on my shoulders. "I'm glad I'm here with you." Hermione said, resting her head on my shoulder for the rest of the dinner.

The Love Between Us [ Hermione Granger One Shots ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon