The Invisible String

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I stared at my ceiling as none of my fellow Slytherin peers were in yet. My left arm swung down on the side of my bed and my right on my stomach. It was close enough to the time where I'd meet my soulmate. I'm eighteen, on April 6th, our string starts to guide us to them. Like, if we were moving, they would travel through our head and control what we were doing and we wouldn't know. That's—that's what my parents told me. Also, you have a specific time. Like, 2:30 pm, or even...3:09 am. Any time of the day, night or morning, you'd be guided to them. My time was 5:30 pm and I hadn't left my bed. It was almost 5:30. It's 5:26. I sighed and didn't want to do anything. Maybe sleep. I turned and laid on my right arm facing the wall as my eyes grew tired. The watch on my night stand I hand taken off faces towards me.


I closed my eyes. Shutting them tightly for a few seconds, my body wasn't all stiff. It settled down. Before—

"Ow!" I say as I was pulled out of my bed. I was confused. "What the—" I looked at my hands to see nothing but a mark from the floor I huffed and rolled my eyes, going to my bed and looking at the watch again.


I didn't care. I pulled the covers over me before I was pulled out again. Looking at my hands, a string. "I don't wanna!" I whine before I was standing up, dragging my feet out of the room. I pulled back and looked at the watch. I ran over to get it, having full control of my body. As I grab it, I was dragged again. Down the dormitories, to the common room. The Slytherins saw the visible but transparent string as I was getting dragged. They all laughed and some were shocked as I bumped into many things. Book, the couch, table, even the door on the way out. "Please!" I begged as I was getting dragged more. "Can't I cut you?" I ask suddenly. I grab my wand before the stupid string pushed it away. "Oh come on! Even you're magic!" The portraits gasped as they saw me and my visible string.

They whispered about this never happening in history before. A string who's impatient, a string who has a personality. I looked at my watch as I was getting dragged down the stairs.


"STRING! THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR ABOUT 17 MINUTES!" I shout and I was only greeted back with a lot of stares and open mouths. And more of me getting dragged. We busted open through the Great Hall and I pulled back. There were millions of people. They stared, laughing and making fun of my as they saw me. Then, at my string. I pulled it over to the golden doors, hoping to go away. "Why is this stupid thing a thing?!" I ask loudly and the string only pulls harshly making my fall face forward and everyone laughs loudly. The Great Hall is shushed when the golden doors open again. "Miss L/n!" Dumbledore yells as he enters. "I'M NOT DOING THIS PROFESSOR!" I shout as I get dragged by the string. Even the professors were shocked.


I give up and the string starts to drag me over to the Gryffindor table. It takes over my body and makes me fix my hair and stuff. Everyone looked at me as I looked at a brunette. I open my eyes and—

"YOU'RE MY SOULMATE?!" we both yell in sync, anger lacing those harsh words.

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