A Great Friend

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Third Year

Y/n's pov:

Im scared. What if she finds out?

I thought deeply into this. I'm falling for my best friend, Hermione Granger. I fell for her. It's hard...

A girl and a girl, who could see me and her together? I don't think she would even like the thought of her dating a girl. Or even worse, her friend she's known for three years, now four!

Oh I wanna die.

As much as I did, I know if make her sad. I stood up and looked at my watch. 3:07 am.

Did I have those thoughts for that long?

I shrugged it off. It being a nice Saturday night, I decided to go to the Astronomy Tower to have time off.

At the Astronomy Tower

I hummed a tune as I was slowly arriving to the top of the tower. Right before I was on the top fully, I heard soft, ragged breathing.

I stopped my humming and peeked up.

There she was, Hermione Granger.

"Hermione?" I whisper aloud. I saw her head whip back to where I was. "Y-Y/n, what are you doing here?" she replied back. "I wanted to get some fresh air up here, what about you?" I say as I walk up to her.

I saw her cheeks in the moonlight. Dried tears were glistening. "I wanted to get out of the Gryffindor common room because almost everything is stressing me out. The way Ron and Harry are ignoring me, my studies acting up, most importantly, making sure Harry isn't killed at any moment of the day."

Hermione said slowly. I looked away from her slowly and looked at the moon. It was close enough to be a full moon. By tomorrow it'd be one.

"I wouldn't say it fine, but just know that I'm here for you to talk to and rant to about, 'kay? You don't need to keep all the stress locked up in your head. It may cause a small headache." I say soothingly. She looked at me. "Thank you." she whispered.

I felt her get closer. Her head was on my shoulder. "You're a great friend anyone could ever have." she said. I nodded with a frown on my face.

Oh to be more than a great friend

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