Hopelessly Falling in Love With You

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Pt: 2

Y/n's POV:

I put on my tie and my robe as I look at myself in the mirror. I look stupid. The letter was clutched in my hand tightly as I stare at me reflection. She won't like me back.

I walk out of the door and start my day.

After school, common room

No one was here.

I sigh and change my clothes with my wand. Sweatpants and a hoodie. I lay my head on the table I sat yesterday in. The letter has been in my hands the morning I woke up. "Y/n?" "Hermione." I say softly, avoiding her mocha eyes as the sun sets lowly into the trees. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, why?" I say weirdly. I turn to her as she gives me a look.

"I know you're lying. Your hands fiddle with the other when you lie."

Shit, she knows the little things.

"Can I be honest? It may break your heart." I say. "It won't." Hermione assured me.

I take a deep breath.

"I absolutely hate seeing you with Ron." "What?! Why?!" she says offended.

I did what I had to do. Defend myself.

"It hurts me! Hermione it's what I say yesterday. The disgusting love you do to each other, the way you look at each other, they way you two love! I should be that person loving you!" "Well I don't love you!" Hermione yells.

I stare at her. She doesn't do anything. It's as if she won the argument. "I don't love you." she repeats. She turns and starts to walk away. "What was the letter for?" I ask her. She stops.

"What was the letter for, Hermione." I say coldly. "That was long ago." "Hermione. I know you. And you know me. I know you're lying. That meant something to you when you wrote it." I say truthfully. Hermione doesn't turn to me.

"You loved me." I say quietly. "And that changed. You don't." She turns to me, "Y/n I do —" "You said minutes ago you didn't love me. You know you did." I say walking to her.

"Take the letter. You expressed you're feeling to me." I say. I bring my sleeve up to my eyes as I walk up the Gryffindor tower.

Hermione's pov:

I open the note. The letters and words were smeared. Her hands were sweaty. I could understand it still. Tears slowly devoured my eyes as I read my words. She was right. I did express my feeling into this. I messed up. I shouldn't had said those stupid words.

Y/n's POV:

I lay on my bed. I stare at the ceiling.

"Y/n?" I hear her voice break. "Go away." I reply harshly. "Listen to me. Please." she pleaded. I say quiet. I walk to the door and sit down, my back against it. "Won't talk. I see." she chuckled slowly. "You're listening."

"You're right. I did express my feelings into that. It was real to me. Love. The love I had for you was real. That should be you kissing me, hugging me, sitting with me. But it's Ron. I'm sorry but you can't have me. I'm in love with Ron. More than I was with you in third year. Y/n I'm truly sorry." she whispered

I sit there, "You're lying."

I stand and open the door. I see Hermione standing up. She looked at me. "And how do you know?" she said, her voice was now clear to hear. I grab her wrist and pull her inside. Hermione doesn't resist. I close the door behind her and push her against it.

My eyes flicker down to her lips then to her eyes. "I love you. I know you do too. You dated Ron to only get your mind off of me. You didn't want to get too attached to me because Cormac McLaggen would see how you'd act around me. You'd show...love." I explained.

I kiss her on the mouth fully. She was shocked for a moment, but kissed back. I wasn't surprised. I got the girl I've wanted. She took it further when her tongue slid on my lower lip. I pulled away as she pouted. She put her arms around my neck as my hands held her waist tightly. "I'll tell Ron we're breaking up tomorrow."

I smile and rest my forehead on hers.

"You're staying here tonight."

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