Are You A Real Malfoy?

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It's been a few weeks since I've heard that Ron and Hermione had broken up. I had no idea what it was about. I barely saw Hermione coming into the Great Hall and eating. She was mainly in he library eating an apple or a small breakfast from the Great Hall. She barely came to lunch and dinner. I only ever saw Ron and Harry talking to Dean and Seamus or even Fred and George.

It was 7:23 am in the morning and breakfast had started. Instead of getting food and talking with my brother and friends, I followed Hermione up to the library. Not like, quickly but I waited until it was 7:25.

When I walked into the library I asked where Hermione was to Madam Pince. She said she was in the right corner of the library. When I was excusing myself, Madam Pince stopped me. "She's had a rough week. I don't know if you can comfort her but...I know that's she's been crying." I looked at her stunned. I nod and give a shaky breath. She's never met me before! She may think I'm like Draco. Or even worse.

Words and more flooded my head as I saw her. Her head was resting on her palm as she flipped pages. "Granger?" I ask. "What, Malfoy?" she said sternly. "Well that's not nice." I say to her. I walk up to her and sit in front of her. "How was your week?" I ask. She stares at me blankly. "Good, yours." "It's been nice."

She sighed and shoved the book aside. "Cut the act. What are you here for?" she snarled. I put my head down and look up at her. "Can I be honest?" "Hurry up." "I care about you." Hermione raises her brows. "Who are you?" she asks. "This isn't a Malfoy I know." "I'm not like my brother, okay? He's a pain in the ass but still is my brother. I'm different from my family and I can prove it." "How so?"

I sighed.

"Can I just say it?" "It might be lies you're spilling." "Merlin..." I say. I stand up and peck her cheek. "'Cause I've fallen in love with a Muggleborn. You, are that Muggleborn." I walk away as a feel heat rising up my cheeks. I walk out of the door as the bell rings.


I lay my back on a willow tree and flip through the pages of my book. It's been two days since I've kissed her cheek. "Hey." Hermione says softly. I look up at her. God, she looked gorgeous. "Hi." "Can I sit next to you." I patted the grass as she sat down next to me. "Is it true?" she asks me. "Hm?" "You care?" Hermione says. I take my eyes off of my book and look into her chocolate mocha eyes. "Yes. Yes it is." Hermione smiled. "Just say it, Malfoy. Or I'll say it first."

"Say what?" I ask truthfully. She lays her head on my shoulder. "I love you." I smile and kiss her forehead. "I love you too."

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