Two Weeks

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"Hermione?" Y/n whispers under her breath. Hermione's lips disconnected from Ron's as she stared at me. "Y/n—" "Y/n!" Dean said loudly. He walked towards me, his robe flying behind. He didn't seem to notice Ron and Hermione before his eyes roamed around. "W-what happened?" he sputtered out. Tears slid down my face before he comforted me. He brought his arm up to my shoulders and rubbed it softly. He knows that Hermione didn't mean to hurt my feelings.

Two months later...

I laid in bed, happy it was the weekend. I've been ignoring Hermione and Dean and Seamus had checked up on me. I was like their only child while they were my parents. Lavender also checked up on me surprisingly. That only being was because she was my friend and she knows how it feels when a break up happens. She's been bringing me my favorite sweets and has brought me sweaters. She was the only one I'd let in my room.

I huffed and turned around, hugging my pillow. I rolled off the bed with a thud. I sighed and stood up, throwing my pillow back into my bed. I didn't bother making my bed like I'd always do. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. Dark circles were under my eyes. I got my outfit and went out of my room. Dean and Seamus had started to come and walk by my side. I was glad they did to distract me from Hermione, which worked until...

"Y/n?" Hermione asked softly. I hum softly. "Can I talk to you...privately?" Dean nods and leaves my side before grabbing his boyfriend with him. "Y/n I didn't mean to kiss him! It was him who kissed me." Hermione explained quickly. I held my breath, controlling my legs to not run up and wrap my arms around her neck to hug her. "It was seconds before you came, then that's when I pulled away." Hermione whispered quietly. I can hear the pain in her voice when she said it. I sighed. "Two weeks." "What?" "Two weeks for you to get me back, if you don't. Then we're done." I say. I remember not breaking up with her.

She nods quickly and gives me a hug. Her arms wrapped around my waist again like the moments of love we had. Her body was still warm like before. I put my arms around her neck. "I love you." she muttered in my ear. She pulled away, the warmth of the hug leaving my chest. I watched her leave the portrait door. "Two weeks, Y/n." Dean says, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, it's two weeks." I whisper.

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