Nightmare (Hermione)

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Hermione has a nightmare


12:04 am in the morning. Y/n was fast asleep with her lover in her arms. Hermione Granger.

Both had started dating two months ago and they've been working great. The battle of Hogwarts was four months ago, nightmares can happen.

For example, Hermione. Her brows kept furrowing, mouth opening, and breathing heavily.

She was hot and cold around her body.

Y/n woke up when Hermione moved from her arms. Her body was now facing the opposite of Y/n's view.

Y/n adjusted her arms as she heard Hermione say her name softly.

"'Mione?" she asked. "Are you okay?" Hermione's response was saying her name again. "Hermione? Love?" Y/n shook the brunette's body as Hermione did wake up.

"Y-Y/n! You're alive!" "No shit, I've been here." Hermione smiled and hugged Y/n. Y/n felt something go down her back. "Are you, crying?" Y/n asked. Hermione pulled as her watery eyes met Y/n's.

"What happened?"

"You were being tortured by Bellatrix, she almost killed you, again. But she killed you fully..." she forced out. Her lip quivered as she hugged Y/n again. In a bone crushing hug this time.

"Okay... Merlin woman, I can't breathe!" "Sorry." Hermione chuckled out softly. "I'll still be here." Y/n says placing Hermione on her lap.

She grabbed Hermione's left arm and traced the words. "No matter what happens to me or you." she whispered kissing the letters.

Hermione giggled and kissed Y/n's lips.

Y/n was taken back until she got used to it and cupped Hermione's cheek. One arm around her waist, one hand on her cheek. Hermione's hands were both on Y/n's cheeks.

A few minutes later, give or take a few, they pulled away.

"I love you." Y/n said breathlessly.

Hermione smiled softly. "I love you more."

"Yeah right."

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